> Last month I upgraded to Bacula 9.2.2. Backups worked without error but
> I noticed "list volumes" reporting a 25 TB volume (not 6 TB as usual). A
> subsequent test restore failed due to a volume data error.
> Downgrading back to Bacula 7.4.5 did not resolve the issue.

It sounds then like this error existed before the Bacula upgrade.

Are you encrypting your backups with the LTO native drive encryption?
Could the tape have been originally labelled and used with an
encryption key loaded, which was then changed (or removed) causing the
tape to become unreadable?

Are you trying to recover data from this tape, or are you just trying
to work out why it is not working?  If you don't need to recover data
from it, I'd suggest rewinding the tape and writing some EOF marks to
make the tape look empty, then relabelling it through Bacula.  If the
tape is in good condition, this should allow it to be reused, but of
course doesn't explain what happened in the first place for it to get
into this state.

> btape: btape.c:612-0 Wrote 1 EOF to "LTO-7" (/dev/nst0)
> btape: btape.c:1219-0 Rewind OK.
> 29-Dec 11:19 btape JobId 0: Fatal error: block_util.c:425 Volume data
> error at 0:0! Wanted ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded.
> btape: btape.c:1236-0 Read block 1 failed! ERR=block_util.c:425 Volume
> data error at 0:0! Wanted ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded.

I'm not familiar with exactly how btape works, but this suggests that
writing the labelling block failed - the data written could not be read
back again.  It suggests something wrong with the tape.  Presumably if
you ran this test with another tape then it would complete successfully.

If you have IBM's diagnostic tools installed (itdt) you could see
whether that has anything you can run to check the health of the tape.
I'm not familiar with IBM's tools, but the HP Tape Tools diagnostic
does have a test for tape quality.


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