Hi Jose,

you can create a new verify job and check the catalog against the disk or
create a script and use the bscan and  bls volume utility tools, please
check the following urls:

*Verify*Run a verify Job. In general, *verify* jobs permit you to compare
the contents of the catalog to the file system, or to what was backed up.
In addition, to verifying that a tape that was written can be read, you can
also use *verify* as a sort of tripwire intrusion detection.

For a *Verify* Job, the Level may be one of the following:

*DiskToCatalog*This level causes Bacula to read the files as they currently
are on disk, and to compare the current file attributes with the attributes
saved in the catalog from the last backup for the job specified on the
*VerifyJob* directive. This level differs from the *VolumeToCatalog* level
described above by the fact that it doesn't compare against a previous
Verify job but against a previous backup. When you run this level, you must
supply the verify options on your Include statements. Those options
determine what attribute fields are compared.

This command can be very useful if you have disk problems because it will
compare the current state of your disk against the last successful backup,
which may be several jobs.




José Queiroz <zekk...@gmail.com> escreveu no dia segunda, 12/08/2019 à(s)

> Hi,
> I had a massive disk fault that corrupted some of my backup volumes.
> As I'm very short on disk space, I want to find which of the volumes were
> affected by the disk fault, to discard them.
> Is there any tool I can use to do that?
> Thanks in advance.
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