Hi all,

I am using bacula v 9.4.4 on Centos 6.4. for disk file based backup.

The backup scheme is weekdays incremental and virtual full back-up on Sunday.

Job {
  Name = "blhwsync11"
  Max Virtual Full Interval = 7 days
  Accurate = no        # With Accurate = yes, even file deletions, move etc are 
covered in differential/incremental backup
  ##Backups To Keep = 3  # default = 0, means all incremental backups till the 
VirtualFull are consolidated
  DeleteConsolidatedJobs = yes
  JobDefs = "blhwsync11"
  RunBeforeJob = "/opt/bacula/srpg/scripts/validate_testbed.sh blhwsync11"

Things were running fine till the interval between the last virtual full back 
up job and the current incremental job was less than Max Virtual Full Interval 
= 7 days

When this interval exceeded Max Virtual Full Interval = 7 days ;  for an 
incremental backup, bacula tried to create a new virtual full backup by 
consolidating the latest virtual full backup and all subsequent incremental 
backups (...fair enough this is as expected)
But while consolidating the jobs ; it gave error :

10-Jan 13:53 bacula-server-dir JobId 5737: shell command: run AfterJob 
"/opt/bacula/srpg/scripts/send_fail_mail.sh 5737 
blhwsync11.2020-01-10_13.53.18_22 sas-backup-ad...@list.nokia.com"
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: 10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 
5738: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing Virtual FULL 
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: shell command: run BeforeJob 
"/opt/bacula/srpg/scripts/validate_testbed.sh blhwsync11"
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: Start Virtual Backup JobId 5738, 
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: Warning: This Job is not an Accurate 
backup so is not equivalent to a Full backup.
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: Consolidating 
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: Found 43700 files to consolidate 
into Virtual Full.
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: Using Device "DeviceF1" to write.
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-sd JobId 5738: Fatal error: Read and write devices 
not properly initialized.
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-sd JobId 5738: Elapsed time=438512:24:21, Transfer 
rate=0  Bytes/second
10-Jan 13:54 bacula-server-dir JobId 5738: Error: Bacula bacula-server-dir 
9.4.4 (28May19):
  Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-bacula redhat
  JobId:                  5738
  Job:                    blhwsync11.2020-01-10_13.54.16_04
  Backup Level:           Virtual Full
  Client:                 "blhwsync11-fd" 9.4.4 (28May19) 
  FileSet:                "blhwsync11" 2019-12-10 22:00:01
 Pool:                   "TestbedFull-F" (From Job VFullPool override)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "StorageF" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         10-Jan-2020 13:54:14
  Start time:             08-Jan-2020 22:00:02
  End time:               08-Jan-2020 22:00:14
  Elapsed time:           12 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1578644639
  Last Volume Bytes:      1 (1 B)
  SD Errors:              1
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

Later I tried running the virtual full backup "explicitly" to consolidate the 
last virtual full and subsequent incremental jobs. This went through fine 
without any errors.

So the issue seems to be in the Bacula's handling of the configuration setting 
: "Max Virtual Full Interval "  ?
Any advice ?


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