You're right, I completely forgot about costs. Definitely, using S3
plugin will be much more cheaper than using Amazon Storage Gateway

On my scenario, Cloud (S3) is the only place where I could save my
backups, but I fully understand the comparison you made about your on
premises environment.

Thank you all guys

On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 5:27 PM Dimitri Maziuk via Bacula-users
<> wrote:
> On 1/17/20 1:03 PM, Jason Voorhees wrote:
> ...
> > I'll start playing around with it. I'll let you know if anything does
> > not work as expected.
> You made me look: what I can find on amazon is VTL is
> - $125/mo/gateway
> - $0.30/restore
> - $0.09/GB/month in regular or $0.01/GB/month in "glacial" storage.
> S3 pricing appears to be
> - $0.023/GB/month in "standard", $0.01 in "infrequent", and $0.004 in
> "glacial" tiers.
> However you pay half a penny per put and $0.0004 for get request on
> "standard", and about an order of magnitude more on the other tries.
> Please let us know how much you end up paying, too: 4TB NAS HDD is about
> a hundred bucks, one-off, whereas 4TB of VTL storage is $368.64 *every
> month*. In "infrequent" S3 it's "only" forty-one bucks per month (so on
> the 3rd month you're better off with the hard drive), but the
> interesting question is how much you rake up in data transfer fees.
> --
> Dimitri Maziuk
> Programmer/sysadmin
> BioMagResBank, UW-Madison --
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