Hello,That volume is set to  a 1 year volume use duration not one day.  
Possibly you updated the pool but forgot to update existing volumes with the 
new resource.Best regards,KernSent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: Uwe Schuerkamp 
<uwe.schuerk...@nionex.net> Date: 3/20/20  09:55  (GMT+01:00) To: Bacula Users 
Mailing List <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> Subject: [Bacula-users] 
Bacula 9.6.x: "volume use duration" not working as
  expected Hi folks,I have a set of tapes that I'd like to use in a daily 
rotation to backup online disk volumes to tape.I defined a pool for this like 
so:Pool {  Name = offline_weekly  Pool Type = Backup  Recycle = yes  AutoPrune 
= yes  Volume Retention = 1 year  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes  Purge Oldest 
Volume = yes  Maximum Volumes = 7  Volume Use Duration = 1 day}Also, I've 
labelled 7 LTO6 tapes and assigned them to the pool.The backup works fine, but 
all the jobs end up on the first tape(probably until it fills up). I would 
expect that the "volume useduration" would cause bacula (9.6.2 compiled from 
source on UbuntuServer LTS 18.04) to load the next tape in the pool after 24 
hours (sowhen the next offline backup job runs), then the next one and so 
onuntil it reaches tape 1 again, then writing the next offline job onthat 
volume and so on, until all tapes are full and then it shouldstart to recycle 
the oldest volume.Here's the pool how bacula sees it at the moment (I've also 
tried"update pool from resource" without any 
 PoolId | Name           | NumVols | MaxVols | MaxVolBytes | VolRetention | 
Enabled | PoolType | LabelFormat 
     11 | offline_weekly |       7 |       7 |           0 |   31,536,000 |     
  1 | Backup   | *           
 here's what "update pool from resource" 
 PoolId | Name           | NumVols | MaxVols | UseOnce | UseCatalog | 
AcceptAnyVolume | CacheRetention | VolRetention | VolUseDuration | MaxVolJobs | 
MaxVolFiles | MaxVolBytes | AutoPrune | Recycle | ActionOnPurge | PoolType | 
LabelType | LabelFormat | Enabled | ScratchPoolId | RecyclePoolId | NextPoolId 
| MigrationHighBytes | MigrationLowBytes | MigrationTime 
     11 | offline_weekly |       7 |       7 |       0 |          1 |           
    0 |              0 |   31,536,000 |         86,400 |          0 |           
0 |           0 |         1 |       1 |             0 | Backup   |         0 | 
*           |       1 |             0 |             0 |          0 |            
      0 |                 0 |             0 
 for the long lines)and here's an example output of a "list jobs on volume" 
query for the one tape that is currently in active use by bacula in the pool 
 JobId | Name          | StartTime           | Type | Level | Files | Bytes     
     | Status 
   417 | offline_daily | 2020-03-17 14:08:21 | B    | F     | 4,167 | 
33,078,435,599 | T      ||   422 | offline_daily | 2020-03-18 06:21:34 | B    | 
F     | 4,167 | 33,155,008,843 | T      ||   430 | offline_daily | 2020-03-19 
06:21:33 | B    | F     | 4,324 | 38,389,879,305 | T      ||   437 | 
offline_daily | 2020-03-20 04:01:32 | B    | F     | 4,328 | 41,592,356,545 | T 
 I misunderstanding something about "volume use duration" here?Thanks in 
advance for your help & all the best,Uwe-- Uwe Schürkamp | email: 
Bacula-users mailing list

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