On Fri, Jul 31, 2020, at 6:15 PM, Shawn Rappaport wrote:
> I'm running Bacula 9.06 (compiled from source with the --with-openssl option) 
> on CentOS 7.5 and running into issues configuring TLS in our test 
> environment. I am following the instructions from these two pages:
> https://www.labeightyfour.com/2019/06/20/configure-encrypted-connections-in-bacula/
> https://www.labeightyfour.com/2019/12/05/certificate-extensions-in-openssl/
> My test environment consists of a server running the Director and SD 
> (xbacdirector01-lv) as well as a CentOS 7.5 Linux client and Windows Server 
> 2019 client.

At work, we just finished getting a client to work. It was a multi-week 
process.  I'll see if I can get details on Monday.  There was something 
extremely obscure which we had to do.

TLS can be very complex to get going. I encourage you to first ensure 
everything works properly without TLS and then start adding in TLS. To do both 
at once is dealing with too many variables.

I may be making errors in my observations and I hope they get pointed out.

> First, I generated the keys and certificates on xbacdirector01-lv, put them 
> in /etc/ssl, chown'd them as bacula.bacula and changed the permissions on the 
> keys to 600. Here is how I generated things:
> *Configure the Certificate Authority using OpenSSL*
> openssl genrsa -out bacula_ca.key 2048
> openssl req -new -x509 -key bacula_ca.key -out bacula_ca.crt -days 365  
> -extensions usr_cert
> *Configure Keys and Certificates for the Bacula Server using OpenSSL*
> openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout bacula_server.key -out 
> bacula_server.csr -days 365
> openssl x509 -req -in bacula_server.csr -CA /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.crt -CAkey 
> /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.key -CAcreateserial -out bacula_server.crt -extensions 
> usr_cert -days 365

The following is mentioned in passing, not because I have noticed something 
wrong with your cert creation process, but I recommend verifying that you have 
client certs for clients (bacula-fd) and server certs for servers (bacula-dir, 

There are two types of ssl certs: client, and server. You need server certs for 


I use and recommend ssl-admin 

> Then I modified *bconsole.conf* to include the TLS directives. It now looks 
> like this:
> Director { 
>   Name = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com-dir
>   DIRport = 9101
>   address = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com
>   Password = "password"
>   TLS Enable = yes
>   TLS Require = yes
>   TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.crt
>   TLS Certificate = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.crt
>   TLS Key = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.key
> }

Note the Address used above. The certificate used by bacula-dir must be in the 
name: xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com

This applies to all certificates. 

That's about all I can help with today.

> Next, I updated *bacula-dir.conf* to include the TLS directives:
> Director {                            # define myself 
>   Name = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com-dir
>   DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections
>   QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"
>   WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula"
>   PidDirectory = "/var/run"
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>   Password = "password"         # Console password
>   Messages = Daemon
>   TLS Enable = yes
>   TLS Require = yes
>   TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.crt
>   TLS Certificate = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.crt
>   TLS Key = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.key
> #  TLS Verify Peer = no
>   TLS Allowed CN = “xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com”
> }
> Storage {                             # definition of myself 
>   Name = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com-sd
>   SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
>   Address = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com
>   Password = "password"
>   Device = FileChgr1-Dev1   #Make sure this matches the bacula-sd.conf file
>   MediaType = File1
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>   Autochanger = yes
>   Allow Compression = yes
>   TLS Enable = yes
>   TLS Require = yes
>   TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.crt
>   TLS Certificate = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.crt
>   TLS Key = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.key
> }
> Autochanger { 
>   Name = File1
> # Do not use "localhost" here
>   Address = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com                # N.B. 
> Use a fully qualified name here
>   SDPort = 9103
>   Password = "password"
>   Device = FileChgr1
>   Media Type = File1
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10        # run up to 10 jobs a the same time
>   Autochanger = File1                 # point to ourself
>   TLS Enable = yes
>   TLS Require = yes
>   TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.crt
>   TLS Certificate = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.crt
>   TLS Key = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.key
> }
> I also added the TLS directives to *bacula-sd.conf*:
> Storage {                             # definition of myself 
>   Name = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com-sd
>   SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
>   WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula"
>   Pid Directory = "/var/run"
>   Plugin Directory = "/usr/lib64"
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>   TLS Enable = yes
>   TLS Require = yes
>   TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.crt
>   TLS Certificate = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.crt
>   TLS Key = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.key
> }
> Director { 
>   Name = xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com-dir
>   Password = "password"
>   TLS Enable = yes
>   TLS Require = yes
>   TLS CA Certificate File = /etc/ssl/bacula_ca.crt
>   TLS Certificate = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.crt
>   TLS Key = /etc/ssl/bacula_server.key
> }
> After those changes, I bounced Bacula and tried running bconsole. Here is the 
> error I'm receiving:
> Connecting to Director xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com:9101 
> bconsole: tls.c:87-0 Error with certificate at depth: 0, issuer = 
> /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Tempe/O=Shutterfly/OU=ops-syseng/CN=xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com/emailAddress=t...@shutterfly.com,
>  subject = 
> /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Tempe/O=Shutterfly/OU=ops-syseng/CN=xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com/emailAddress=t...@shutterfly.com,
>  ERR=18:self signed certificate
> 31-Jul 14:41 bconsole JobId 0: Error: tls.c:87 Error with certificate at 
> depth: 0, issuer = 
> /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Tempe/O=Shutterfly/OU=ops-syseng/CN=xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com/emailAddress=t...@shutterfly.com,
>  subject = 
> /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Tempe/O=Shutterfly/OU=ops-syseng/CN=xbacdirector01-lv.internal.shutterfly.com/emailAddress=t...@shutterfly.com,
>  ERR=18:self signed certificate
> TLS negotiation failed
> Director authorization problem.
> Most likely the passwords do not agree.
> If you are using TLS, there may have been a certificate validation error 
> during the TLS handshake.
> For help, please see 
> http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/en/problems/Bacula_Frequently_Asked_Que.html
> I'm guessing I didn't configure the certs properly but I don't know why. I 
> also tried creating things with the CN not being fully-qualified, i.e.: 
> CN=xbacdirector01-lv. That didn't make a difference. I'm pretty green when it 
> comes to configuring certs so I apologize if I'm making rookie mistakes.
> Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Please let me know if you need more 
> details of my setup and configuration.
> Thanks!
> --Shawn
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