I have done some testing:
a) testing storage with dd command (eg: dd if=/dev/zero of=/storage/test1.img bs=1G count=1 oflag=dsync). The results are:
-writing to IBM storage (with cloud enabled) shows 300 MB/sec
-writing to local SSD storage shows 600 MB/sec.
I guess storage is not a bottleneck.
b) testing file copy from linux centos 6 server to bacula server with rsync (eg. rsync --info=progress2 source destination)
-writing to local storage: 82 MB/sec
-writing to IBM storage: 85 MB/sec
I guess this is ok for a 1 GB network link.
c) using bacula:
-linux centos 6 file server: 13 MB/sec on IBM storage, 16 MB/sec on local SSD storage (version of client 5.2.13). -windows file server:  around 18 MB/sec - there could be some additional problem, because I perform a backup from a deduplicated drive (version of client 9.6.5) d) I have tried to manipulate encryption/compression settings, but I believe there is no significant difference

I think that  bacula rate (15 MB/sec) in quite slow comparing to file copy results (85 MB/sec) from the same client/server. It should be better... Do you agree?

I have implemented autochanger in order to perform backup from both servers at the same time. We shall see the results tomorrow. I have not changed the version of the client on linux server yet. My windows server uses new client version, so that was not my first idea... Will try this tomorrow if needed.

What about retention?
I would like to:
- create incremental daily backup (retention 1 week)
- create weekly full backup (retention 1 month)
- create monthly full backup (retention 1 year)

At the moment I use different job/schedule for monthly backup, but that triggers full backup also on Monday after monthly backup (I would like to run incremental then). Is there a better way? Relevant parts of conf below...


JobDefs {
Name = "bazar2-job"
Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

Job {
  Name = "bazar2-backup"
  JobDefs = "bazar2-job"
  Full Backup Pool = bazar2-weekly-pool
  Incremental Backup Pool = bazar2-daily-pool

Job {
  Name = "bazar2-monthly-backup"
  Level = Full
  JobDefs = "bazar2-job"
  Pool = bazar2-monthly-pool
  Schedule = "MonthlyFull"  #schedule : see in bacula-dir.conf (monthly pool with longer retention)

Example output:

06-Oct 12:19 bacula-dir JobId 714: Bacula bacula-dir 9.6.5 (11Jun20):
  Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-bacula redhat (Core)
  JobId:                  714
  Job:                    bazar2-monthly-backup.2020-10-06_09.33.25_03
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "bazar2.kranj.cetrtapot.si-fd" 5.2.13 (19Jan13) 
  FileSet:                "bazar2-fileset" 2020-09-30 15:40:26
  Pool:                   "bazar2-monthly-pool" (From Job resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "FSTestBackup" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         06-Oct-2020 09:33:15
  Start time:             06-Oct-2020 09:33:28
  End time:               06-Oct-2020 12:19:19
  Elapsed time:           2 hours 45 mins 51 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       53,682
  SD Files Written:       53,682
  FD Bytes Written:       168,149,175,433 (168.1 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       168,158,044,149 (168.1 GB)
  Rate:                   16897.7 KB/s
  Software Compression:   36.6% 1.6:1
  Comm Line Compression:  None
  Snapshot/VSS:           no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         bazar2-monthly-vol-0300
  Volume Session Id:      11
  Volume Session Time:    1601893281
  Last Volume Bytes:      337,370,601,852 (337.3 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

On 06.10.2020 14:28, Josh Fisher wrote:

On 10/6/20 3:45 AM, Žiga Žvan wrote:
I believe that I have my spooling attributes set correctly on jobdefs (see bellow). Spool attributes = yes; Spool data defaults to no. Any other idea for performance problems?

The client version is very old. First try updating the client to 9.6.x.

For testing purposes, create another storage device on local disk and write a full backup to that. If it is much faster to local disk storage than it is to the s3 driver, then there may be an issue with how the s3 driver is compiled, version of s3 driver, etc.

Otherwise, with attribute spooling enabled, the status of the job as given by the status dir command in bconsole will change to "despooling attributes" or something like that when the client has finished sending data. That is the period at the end of the job when the spooled attributes are being written to the catalog database. If despooling is taking a long time, then database performance might be the bottleneck.

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