On Dec 17, 2020, 14:25 -0800, Sven Hartge <s...@svenhartge.de>, wrote:
> On 17.12.20 22:49, Daniel Rich wrote:
> > The ones that come with Ubuntu 20.04 are nearly a year old (9.4.2)
> That is not something we Debian Developers can directly influence. But
> you can take the Debian sources and rebuild them on a Ubuntu-System and
> it will work.

That is likely going to be what I end up doing. But again, they use different 
package names and layout from the bacula.org packages, so I have to convert my 
configs and scripts back to /etc/bacula instead of /opt/bacula as well as 
update my ansible cookbooks to use the Debian package names instead of the 
bacula.org package names.
> > and don’t include mysql support as far as I can tell. I don’t really
> > want to have to covert my configs back to the debian-supplied version
> > since I’ve been running the bacula.org version for over a years.
> Nobody uses MySQL anymore, every distribution has converted over to
> MariaDB by now. This will not go away.

Except the packages that are built at bacula.org that still have mysql as 
dependencies. And that’s in the most recent packages for 9.6.6. This is what 
started me down the path of looking for the source package in the first place 
so I can build my own package for 9.6.6.

The bacula-director package that comes with Ubuntu 20.04, doesn’t include any 
database support as far as I can tell other than possibly sqlite. I couldn’t 
even get it to start with the database configs I currently have. I have a vague 
memory that this is what had me convert over to the bacula.org packages from 
the OS provided ones a year or two ago.

> > Since I’m building a new server, I’m considering moving to 11.0, but
> > there aren’t packages for that yet, so I would still need the debian
> > package files to build my own.
> I would hold back on 11 for a bit. The database transition from 9 to 11
> is a bit rocky at the moment. So far, the official word on 11 is "it is
> a beta".

Hmm… I figured since it was actually announced those issues had been resolved...

Dan Rich <dr...@employees.org>
"Step up to red alert!" "Are you sure, sir?
It means changing the bulb in the sign..."
        - Red Dwarf (BBC)
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