On 20/12/2020 12:38, Josh Fisher wrote:
> It is not likely a network issue. 'A' does not have a strong processor.
> When compression is enabled for a job, it is the client that performs
> the compression. Likewise for data encryption. Try disabling both
> compression and encryption for the 'A' job, if enabled.
I have compression and encryption disabled for all of the jobs, although
on further examination I was getting a compression ratio shown under
"Comm line compression" in the backup messages.
That was a surprise given the Celeron machine's FD was running Bacula
5.0.3, and Comm Line Compression was only added in Bacula 9.

I've upgraded both servers to 9.0.6, and changed the bacula-fd config on
the Celeron machine to add:
  Comm Compression = no

Sadly Nethogs is only reporting a speed of about 2.2Mbyte/sec received
by bacula-sd on the storage server.
"Iftop" is reporting about 10 megabits per second, peaking at 14.

I've run an iperf test, and I'm seeing a gigabit connection between the
two servers:

[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.10 GBytes   943 Mbits/sec

> Also, the rate is based on the total run time for the job, including
> de-spooling attributes at the end. If attribute de-spooling is taking a
> long time, then database performance may be the bottleneck.

It looks like the bottleneck is definitely in data transfer. From a few
days ago:

18-Dec 06:48 syrys-sd JobId 5004: Spooling data ...
18-Dec 11:06 syrys-sd JobId 5004: User specified Device spool size
reached: DevSpoolSize=53,687,125,721 MaxDevSpoolSize=53,687,091,200
18-Dec 11:06 syrys-sd JobId 5004: Writing spooled data to Volume.
Despooling 53,687,125,721 bytes ...
18-Dec 11:15 syrys-sd JobId 5004: Despooling elapsed time = 00:08:47,
Transfer rate = 101.8 M Bytes/second

That's 5h42m to transfer 50GB -- which works out at about 2Mbps.

I've just restarted the backup and let it run for a while:

  Scheduled time:         25-Dec-2020 16:05:11
  Start time:             25-Dec-2020 16:05:18
  End time:               25-Dec-2020 18:35:59
  Elapsed time:           2 hours 30 mins 41 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       218,965
  SD Files Written:       0
  FD Bytes Written:       11,302,639,060 (11.30 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   1250.2 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Comm Line Compression:  None
  Snapshot/VSS:           no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no

That works out at about 1.2 megabytes per second.

This was aborted in the spooling phase, before it even started writing
to tape.


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