I think the doc is correct because "forcibly purging" only happens if you set
the Purge Oldest Volume or Recycle Oldest Volume directives to yes.  The
purging you are seeing below happens because the volume has no current jobs
(e.g. they were pruned) so that is normal recycling.


>>>>> On Fri, 17 Dec 2021 12:04:49 -0300 (BRT), Heitor Faria said:
> Hello All, 
> According to the Thread "[Bacula-users] Why isn't bacula recycling these 
> volumes?" and to the documentation: 
> <https://www.bacula.org/11.0.x-manuals/en/main/Automatic_Volume_Recycling.html>:
> "A few points to keep in mind: 
> If a pool doesn't have maximum volumes defined then Bacula will prefer to 
> demand new volumes over forcibly purging older volumes." 
> This is not accurate at all in consonance to my simple test: 
> *show pool=Test 
> Pool: name=Test PoolType=Backup 
> use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1 
> max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=1 sec 
> VolUse=0 secs recycle=1 LabelFormat=${Pool}-${NumVols} 
> CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0 
> RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0 ActionOnPurge=1 
> MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=5368709120 
> MaxPoolBytes=0 
> MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0 
> CacheRetention=0 secs 
> JobRetention=0 secs FileRetention=0 secs 
> --> Autochanger: name=DedupDisk address= SDport=9103 MaxJobs=10 
> NumJobs=0 
> DeviceName=FileChgr1 MediaType=Dedup StorageId=3 Autochanger=1 
> AC group=3 ShareStore=*none* 
> *list media pool=Test 
> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------+----------+---------------------+-----------+
> | mediaid | volumename | volstatus | enabled | volbytes  | volfiles | 
> volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype | voltype | volparts | 
> lastwritten         | expiresin | 
> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------+----------+---------------------+-----------+
> | 1,039   | Test-0     | Append    | 1       | 1,426,546 | 0        | 1       
>      | 1       | 0    | 0         | Dedup     | 15      | 0        | 
> 2021-12-17 09:57:36 | 0         | 
> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------+----------+---------------------+-----------+
> *update volstatus=Used volume=Test-0 
> New Volume status is: Used 
> *run job=BaculaConfs pool=Test yes 
> *list joblog jobid=9558 
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | logtext | 
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: Start Backup JobId 9558, 
> Job=BaculaConfs.2021-12-17_09.59.14_42 | 
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: Connected to Storage "DedupDisk" at 
> with TLS | 
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: There are no more Jobs associated with 
> Volume "Test-0". Marking it purged. | 
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: All records pruned from Volume "Test-0"; 
> marking it "Purged" | 
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: Recycled volume "Test-0" | 
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: Connected to Client "enterprisebacula-fd" 
> at enterprisebacula:9102 with TLS | 
> | enterprisebacula-fd JobId 9558: Connected to Storage at 
> with TLS | 
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: Sending Accurate information to the FD. | 
> | enterprisebacula-sd JobId 9558: Recycled volume "Test-0" on Dedup device 
> "FileChgr1-Dev2" (/mnt/dedup), all previous data lost. | 
> | enterprisebacula-sd JobId 9558: Elapsed time=00:00:24, Transfer rate=31.48 
> K Bytes/second | 
> | enterprisebacula-sd JobId 9558: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. 
> Despooling 5,049 bytes ... | 
> | enterprisebacula-dir JobId 9558: Bacula Enterprise enterprisebacula-dir 
> 12.8.1 (30Jun21): 
> Build OS: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise redhat (Core) 
> JobId: 9558 
> Job: BaculaConfs.2021-12-17_09.59.14_42 
> Backup Level: Incremental, since=2021-12-17 09:57:14 
> Client: "enterprisebacula-fd" 12.8.3 (28Sep21) 
> x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise,redhat,(Core) 
> FileSet: "BaculaConfigurations" 2021-06-22 08:13:03 
> Pool: "Test" (From Command input) 
> Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource) 
> Storage: "DedupDisk" (From Pool resource) 
> Scheduled time: 17-Dec-2021 09:59:14 
> Start time: 17-Dec-2021 09:59:18 
> End time: 17-Dec-2021 09:59:42 
> Elapsed time: 24 secs 
> Priority: 10 
> FD Files Written: 20 
> SD Files Written: 20 
> FD Bytes Written: 752,748 (752.7 KB) 
> SD Bytes Written: 755,631 (755.6 KB) 
> Rate: 31.4 KB/s 
> Software Compression: 99.9% 1331.7:1 
> Comm Line Compression: 79.0% 4.8:1 
> Snapshot/VSS: no 
> Encryption: no 
> Accurate: yes 
> Volume name(s): Test-0 
> Volume Session Id: 1762 
> Volume Session Time: 1628965590 
> Last Volume Bytes: 757,480 (757.4 KB) 
> Non-fatal FD errors: 0 
> SD Errors: 0 
> FD termination status: OK 
> SD termination status: OK 
> Termination: Backup OK | 
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> +-------+-------------+---------------------+------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+
> | jobid | name | starttime | type | level | jobfiles | jobbytes | jobstatus | 
> +-------+-------------+---------------------+------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+
> | 9,558 | BaculaConfs | 2021-12-17 09:59:18 | B | I | 20 | 752,748 | T | 
> +-------+-------------+---------------------+------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+
> Regards, 
> -- 
> MSc Heitor Faria (Miami/USA) 
> Bacula LATAM CEO 
> mobile1: + 1 909 655-8971 
> mobile2: + 55 61 98268-4220 
> [ https://www.linkedin.com/in/msc-heitor-faria-5ba51b3 ] 
>       [ http://www.bacula.com.br/ ] 
> América Latina 
> [ http://bacula.lat/ | bacula.lat ] | [ http://www.bacula.com.br/ | 
> bacula.com.br ] 

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