Hi Serge,

interesting. However, the URL you gave does not work. Also no bacula(-fd) in 
the official macOS appstore.

I found in the mailing list archive that it is possible to grant full disk 
access rights to bacula-fd, and since I did that I got far less access errors 
(the test backup has not yet completed), in fact so far only 3:

Could not stat 
"/Users/user1/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/DataVaults": ERR=Operation 
not permitted

Could not stat "/Users/user2/Library/Application 
 ERR=No such file or directory

Could not stat 
"/Users/user2/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/DataVaults": ERR=Operation 
not permitted

Not sure why that is, as bacula-fd should have full access rights now.

Does someone know what’s going on there and how to fix it?

All the best,

> On 23. Mar 2022, at 13:37, UGE Serge (FR2010) <u...@unistra.fr> wrote:
> Hello Justin,
> I installed facula-fd on 3 macs, and I got at each time the same error than 
> you:
> "Could not open directory "/Users/moses/Pictures/Photos 
> Library.photoslibrary": ERR=Operation not permitted"
> It should not work like this. After many tests, the only way I found to make 
> it run with no errors is:
> - Download form https://macappstore.org/bacula-fd/ 
> <https://macappstore.org/bacula-fd/>
> - Install bacula-fd
> - Run it to see if you have the error.
> - If yes, remove completly bacula-fd
> - Re-install it.
> .... and then it works. I do not know why but it does the job (backup + 
> restore).
> I hope this can help you.
> Serge UGE
> De: "Justin Case" <jus7inc...@gmail.com>
> À: "bacula-users" <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Envoyé: Mardi 22 Mars 2022 13:52:03
> Objet: [Bacula-users] Q: Correct FD setup for macOS 10.15
> Dear all,
> I just made a test installation of bacula-fd on macOS 10.15 using homebrew 
> (so I did not need to compile anything).
> I configured the bacula-fd.conf and set up a fileset for “/Users” to backup 
> all user data. I enabled the option HfsPlusSupport, but the machine actually 
> does use APFS, is that a problem?
> I also set up corresponding pools and scheduled jobs for the storage tiers.
> Now running the job for storage tier 1 I can see that the FD (running as 
> root) on the macOS machine cannot access a lot of directories.
> Some examples:
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary": ERR=Operation not 
> permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Desktop": ERR=Operation not permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryTransactions": 
> ERR=Operation not permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist": 
> ERR=Operation not permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCC": ERR=Operation not 
> permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/Application Support/FileProvider": ERR=Operation not 
> permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/Application Support/AddressBook": ERR=Operation not 
> permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryDB": ERR=Operation not 
> permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/Autosave Information": ERR=Operation not permitted
> 22-Mar 13:28 macmachine-fd JobId 116:      Could not open directory 
> "/Users/moses/Library/IdentityServices": ERR=Operation not permitted
> etc.
> Does someone have a proper setup for the macOS FD and the filesets that runs 
> fine and also restore will work as expected?
> This is my current bacula-fd.conf on macOS:
> Director {
>   Name = bacula-dir
>   Password = “snip"
> }
> Director {
>   Name = bacula-mon
>   Password = “snip"
>   Monitor = yes
> }
> FileDaemon {                          # this is me
>   Name = macmachine-fd
>   FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
>   WorkingDirectory = /usr/local/var/lib/bacula
>   Pid Directory = /usr/local/var/run
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>   Plugin Directory = /usr/local/Cellar/bacula-fd/11.0.6/lib
> }
> Messages {
>   Name = Standard
>   director = bacula-dir = all, !skipped, !restored, !saved
> Here are the relevant directives from bacula-dir.conf:
> Client {
>   Name = "macmachine-fd"
>   Address = "mac.lan.net <http://mac.lan.net/>"
>   FdPort = 9102
> Password = “snip"
>   Catalog = "MyCatalog"
>   FileRetention = 5184000
>   JobRetention = 15552000
>   AutoPrune = yes
> }
> Job {
>   Name = "mac-users-tier1"
>   Type = "Backup"
>   Level = "Full"
>   Messages = "Standard"
>   Storage = "unraid-tier1-storage"
>   Pool = "mac-users-full"
>   FullBackupPool = "mac-users-full"
>   IncrementalBackupPool = "mac-users-incr"
> Client = “macmachine-fd"
> Fileset = “m-uacsers"
>   Schedule = "First-Fri-Full"
>   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
>   Enabled = yes
>   AllowIncompleteJobs = no
>   AllowDuplicateJobs = no
> }
> Similarly for Tier 2
> Schedule {
>   Name = "First-Fri-Full"
>   Description = "First Friday of the month - Full"
>   Run = Level="Full" 1st fri at 22:00
>   Run = Level="Incremental" sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,sat at 22:00
>   Run = Level="Incremental" Accurate=yes 2nd,3rd,4th,5th fri at 22:00
> }
> Fileset {
>   Name = "mac-users"
>   Description = "All user home directories"
>   EnableVss = no
>   Include {
>     File = "/Users"
>     Options {
>       HfsPlusSupport = "Yes"
>     }
>   }
> }
> Pool {
>   Name = "mac-users-full"
>   PoolType = "Backup"
>   LabelFormat = "mac-users-full-vol-"
>   ActionOnPurge = "Truncate"
>   MaximumVolumes = 100
>   MaximumVolumeJobs = 1
>   MaximumVolumeBytes = 50000000000
>   VolumeRetention = 6048000
>   AutoPrune = no
>   Catalog = "MyCatalog"
> }
> Pool {
>   Name = "mac-users-incr"
>   PoolType = "Backup"
>   LabelFormat = "mac-users-incr-vol-"
>   ActionOnPurge = "Truncate"
>   MaximumVolumes = 20
>   MaximumVolumeJobs = 6
>   MaximumVolumeBytes = 50000000000
>   VolumeRetention = 6048000
>   AutoPrune = no
>   Catalog = "MyCatalog"
> }
> All the best,
>  JC
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