Hello Justin,

Currently there are two storage group policies that you can use:

StorageGroupPolicy = <Storage Group Policy Name> Storage Group Policy
determines how Storage resources (from the 'Storage' directive) are being
choosen from the Storage list. If no StoragePolicy is specified Bacula
always tries to use first available Storage from the provided list.
Currently supported policies are: ListedOrder- This is the default policy,
which uses first available storage from the list provided LeastUsed- This
policy scans all storage daemons from the list and chooses the one with the
least number of jobs being currently run

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 3:43 PM Justin Case <jus7inc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am interested in the new V13 storage groups feature.
> If I wanted a given pool to use file folumes on several externally
> connected USB HDDs:
> -the devices would be connected all the time, would the director fill the
> devices one ofter the other, or would it scatter the jobs randomly across
> the devices?

This will depend on the storage group policy you use. The default
"ListedOrder" will always use the first storage in the storage group list
unless there is a connection failure. The LeastUsed policy will load
balance the storage usage between the storages defined in the list.

It will not spread jobs randomly across the devices or it will not skip a
storage if it gets full.

-may I extend the list of storages in a given pool to extend the available
> storage space by adding USB HDD devices to the storage? (I mean distinct
> HDD devices, not enlarging the storage of a RAID!)

> -This would mean that I don’t need to use vchanger vor this?
vchanger and storage groups have different purposes, but none will skip a
device if it gets full.

Best regards,

> Thanks for shedding a bit more light on this new feature.
> Best
>  J/C
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