My guess is that your file /usr/home/dan/.touch_a_file_to_force_backupes has
zero length.

If so, then it is a "feature" because jobbytes is 0 (see


>>>>> On Fri, 03 Mar 2023 09:27:02 -0500, Dan Langille said:
> If files were backed up, should the .bsr file be updated?
> [bacula dan /usr/local/bacula/bsr] % ls -l *mydev*
> -rw-r-----  1 bacula  bacula  5948 2023.03.03 03:05 mydev-fd_mydev_basic.bsr
> -rw-r-----  1 bacula  bacula  3844 2023.03.02 03:05 
> mydev-fd_mydev_home_dir.bsr
> The second file was not updated today.
> Yet, a job ran today and backed up a file:
> *llist files jobid=352170
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> | filename                                      |
> +-----------------------------------------------+
> | /usr/home/dan/.touch_a_file_to_force_backupes |
> +-----------------------------------------------+
>            jobid: 352,170
>              job: mydev_home_dir.2023-03-03_03.05.00_33
>             name: mydev home dir
>      purgedfiles: 0
>             type: B
>            level: I
>         clientid: 52
>       clientname: mydev-fd
>        jobstatus: T
>        schedtime: 2023-03-03 03:05:00
>        starttime: 2023-03-03 03:05:08
>          endtime: 2023-03-03 03:05:09
>      realendtime: 2023-03-03 03:05:09
>         jobtdate: 1,677,812,709
>     volsessionid: 460
>   volsessiontime: 1,676,583,692
>         jobfiles: 1
>         jobbytes: 0
>        readbytes: 0
>        joberrors: 0
>  jobmissingfiles: 0
>           poolid: 24
>         poolname: IncrFile
>       priorjobid: 0
>        filesetid: 294
>          fileset: mydev home dir
>          hasbase: 0
>         hascache: 0
>          comment: 
> The job:
> Job {
>   Name            = "mydev home dir"
>   JobDefs         = "DefaultJob"
>   Client          = mydev-fd 
>   FileSet         = "mydev home dir"
> }
> The file set for that job:
> FileSet {
>   Name = "mydev home dir"
>   Include { 
>     Options {
>       signature=MD5
>         verify=pnugsmcs5
>     } 
>     Exclude Dir Containing = .NOBACKUP
>     File = /usr/home
>   }
>   Exclude {
>     File = *~
>   }
> }
> Job defs:
> JobDefs {
>   Name        = "DefaultJob"
>   Type        = Backup
>   Level       = Incremental
>   Schedule    = "WeeklyCycle"
>   Storage     = CreyFile
>   Messages    = Standard
>   Write Bootstrap = "/usr/local/bacula/bsr/%c_%n.bsr"
>   Pool        = FullFile  # required parameter for all Jobs
>   Full         Backup Pool = FullFile
>   Differential Backup Pool = DiffFile
>   Incremental  Backup Pool = IncrFile
>   Priority    = 10
>   # don't spool date when backing up to disk
>   Spool Data  = no
>   Spool Attributes = yes
>   PreferMountedVolumes = no
> }
> -- 
>   Dan Langille
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