I wanted to move the bacula database from Postgresql 11 (PG11) to Postgresql 13 
(PG13) in advance of an operating system upgrade from Debian 11.6 to Debian 12, 
and eventual upgrades to Postgresql (version current in Debian 12).  
Unfortunately, running dbcheck on the moved database provoked an 'out of 
memory' error from PG13.

My basic plan was:

1) Backup the bacula database from PG11.

2) Restore the bacula database to PG13.

3) Run dbcheck on the PG13 database.

4) If dbcheck results are satisfactory, shut down Bacula, change the port 
number Bacula uses to reach Postgres, and restart Bacula.  

Unfortunately, the dbcheck failed in the 'Checking for orphaned Filename 
entries' step, as shown:

Checking for orphaned Filename entries. This may take some time!
Query failed: SELECT Filename.FilenameId,File.FilenameId FROM Filename LEFT 
OUTER JOIN File ON (Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId) WHERE File.FilenameId 
IS NULL LIMIT 300000: ERR=ERROR:  out of memory
DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 32768 in memory context "HashTableContext".

I originally copied the postgresql.conf from /etc/postgresql/11/main/ to 
/etc/postgresql/11/main/, and received an out of memory error from Postgres.  
Some searching in the bacula-users list archives found a thread starting 24 Feb 
2023 reporting out of memory errors that were eventually resolved by applying 
the recommendations of the pgtune website at https://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/.

So, I used the pgtune tool and received these values:

checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
default_statistics_target = 500
effective_cache_size = 1536MB
effective_io_concurrency = 200
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB
max_connections = 20
max_wal_size = 16GB
min_wal_size = 4GB
random_page_cost = 1.1
shared_buffers = 512MB
wal_buffers = 16MB
work_mem = 6553kB

I applied these changes to postgresql.conf, and restarted PG13.  I used

echo "show all" | psql -p 5433

to confirm the changes had been applied.

After making that change, dbcheck runs to completion under PG13, in about 1/2 
the time required under PG11.



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