Please ask questions to the group and not only to me personally. Our
community can help you as well.

wt., 11 lip 2023 o 12:04 rocky <> napisał(a):

> Hi Radosław,
> I have configured the bacula-server and bacula-client and verified the
> status of is successfully connected and didn't find any
> errors. Enabled the 9102 port on the server to connect with the bacula
> client.
> *status
> Status available for:
>      1: Director
>      2: Storage
>      3: Client
>      4: Scheduled
>      5: Network
>      6: All
> Select daemon type for status (1-6): 3
> The defined Client resources are:
>      1: ip-17x-xx-x-xx-fd
>      2: bacula-client-fd
> Select Client (File daemon) resource (1-2): 2
> Connecting to Client bacula-client-fd at
> Version: 13.0.3 (02 May 2023)  x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise ubuntu
> 22.04
> Daemon started 07-Jul-23 08:00. Jobs: run=0 running=1.
>  Heap: heap=974,848 smbytes=310,740 max_bytes=408,880 bufs=168 max_bufs=219
>  Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=0 mode=0,0 bwlimit=0kB/s
>  Crypto: fips=N/A crypto=OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022
>  Plugin:
> Configured the job, client and fileset in bacula-dir.conf file in
> bacula-server. There are no syntax errors. Restarted the bacula-dir, sd,fd.
> Executed the job on the bacula server to backup the bacula-client node
> files.
> Job {
>   Name = "Remote_BackupClient"
>   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
>   FileSet = Remote_BackupClient_Full_Set
>   Client = bacula-client-fd
> }
> FileSet {
>   Name = "Remote_BackupClient_Full_Set"
>   Include {
>     Options {
>       signature = MD5
>     }
>     File = /home/ubuntu/
>   }
> }
> Client {
> Name = new-client-fd
> Address = bacula-client-fd
> FDPort = 9102
> Catalog = MyCatalog
> Password = "Passw0rd"
> File Retention = 60 days # Catalog file retention : 60 days
> Job Retention = 6 months # Catalog Job retention : 6 months
> AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files
> }
> *error:*
> Running Jobs:
> Console connected using TLS at 11-Jul-23 07:28
>  JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
> ======================================================================
>     56  Back Full          0         0  Remote_BackupClient is waiting for
> Client bacula-client-fd to connect to Storage File1
You need to check if your FD is able to connect to SD to make a backup job.
If not, then open the required port on filewall or use "SD Calls Client"

best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
Bacula-users mailing list

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