Hello Lorraine,

Thanks for the details about your installation.

This error is a permission problem. Please make sure that you installed the
bacularis-selinux package if you have SELinux enabled in your system. Did
you install it?

Best regards,
Marcin Haba (gani)

On Wed, 2 Aug 2023 at 08:07, Lorraine <lorra...@burgess-consulting.com.au>

> Hi Marcin, Thanks for the explanation.
> Our current bacula configuration consists of the Director & Storage Deamon
> reside on a Linux 7.9 VM so unfortunately this rules out doing a simple
> setup of the Bacularis Web Interface/API install onto the same host.  I
> have created a new Linux 8.8 specifically for the Bacularis Web
> Interface/API.  I performed the install steps for Bacularis & I also
> installed Bacula-client for access to bconsole .
> It is the Bacularis Install Wizard where I am having issues.  I can make a
> connection to the Bacula Catalog Database ok, however, when it comes to
> connecting to bconsole I am experiencing sudo issues with the following
> error:
> "Problem with connection to bconsole. Output=>sudo: unable to open
> /run/sudo/ts/apache: Permission denied We trust you have received the usual
> lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these
> three things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type.
> #3) With great power comes great responsibility. sudo: a terminal is
> required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from
> standard input or configure an askpass helper, Exitcode=>1”
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Lorraine
> On 2 Aug 2023, at 4:49 pm, Marcin Haba <ganius...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Lorraine,
> We don't provide rpm packages for CentOS 7 because in the system repos it
> does not have PHP >= 7.4. There is an old PHP 5.4. If you will be able to
> install on CentOS 7 host PHP >= 7.4 or greater (for example from REMI
> repository) then you can install Bacularis by Composer and it will work.
> For your question about installation, it depends on how you want to work
> with remote Bacula hosts. Typical installation is with one Bacularis web
> interface and many Bacularis API hosts. The web interface manages all the
> API hosts. Each API host can be configured with the following capabilities:
> 1) catalog connection
> 2) bconsole connection
> 3) Bacula configuration settings
> 4) Actions (Bacula components start/stop/restart)
> 5) Bacula software management (install/upgrade/remove)
> For hosts with Bacula clients and storage daemons useful is to have
> installed the API instance with 3) and 4) (and also 5)) but it is not
> mandatory if you are not going to change file daemon configuration via web.
> For hosts with Directors 1) and 2), 3), 4) and/or 5) can be set. All the
> API capabilities are independent and depends on what you would like to
> share on each API host, for example a host with 2) (bconsole access) and 4)
> (Actions).
> For new Bacularis installations you can start simple - with the web
> interface and API instance on the Director host. There is not need to
> install Bacularis on every Bacula FD and SD host until you want to work
> with its configuration on the web interface. The FDs and SDs will be
> available for administrative work on the interface anyway.
> The Bacularis API and Bacula component deployment on the remote hosts can
> be done via the web interface or manually. Here you can find example video
> guide with deploying Bacularis and Bacula client on a new host:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsayzd7CsuU
> Good luck. In case questions or problems, please let us know.
> Best regards,
> Marcin Haba (gani)
> On Wed, 2 Aug 2023 at 05:01, Lorraine <lorra...@burgess-consulting.com.au>
> wrote:
>> Hello Marcin,
>> Thank you for your help.  Looks like bacularis needs to be installed
>> alongside bacula ( on the same machine ) is this assumption correct?  Also,
>> do you know if there is a bacularis release for linux 7.9?
>> Regards
>> Lorraine
>> On 1 Aug 2023, at 4:49 pm, Marcin Haba <ganius...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Lorraine,
>> Great. For troubleshooting usually it is good to visit the Bacularis
>> documentation and the "Troubleshooting" chapter here:
>> https://bacularis.app/doc/brief/troubleshooting.html
>> Good luck.
>> Best regards,
>> Marcin Haba (gani)
>> On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 at 06:37, Lorraine <lorra...@burgess-consulting.com.au>
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you Marcin
>>> I am currently troubleshooting install of Bacularis so hopefully I can
>>> use this tool instead
>>> Regards
>>> Lorraine
>>> On 31 Jul 2023, at 7:10 pm, Marcin Haba <ganius...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Lorraine,
>>> About a month ago I ported from Bacularis a change to enable PostgreSQL
>>> 15 support in Baculum. Unfortunately there has not been released any
>>> Baculum version with this change yet.
>>> So, please wait on the new Baculum release or use Bacularis.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marcin Haba (gani)
>>> On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 at 08:28, Lorraine via Bacula-users <
>>> bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>>>> Hi, Does Baculum work with postgresql-15 ?
>>>> I have the same issue as -
>>>> https://sourceforge.net/p/bacula/mailman/bacula-users/thread/DB9P190MB1481FDBC055FEB2EDA24A7F8FD5EA%40DB9P190MB1481.EURP190.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM/#msg37859480
>>>> <https://sourceforge.net/p/bacula/mailman/bacula-users/thread/db9p190mb1481fdbc055feb2eda24a7f8fd...@db9p190mb1481.eurp190.prod.outlook.com/#msg37859480>
>>>> The outcome of that thread was to downgrade, this is not an option for
>>>> me.  Will baculum be releasing a patch for this issue with postgresql-15?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Lorrain
>>>> Burgess Systems Consulting
>>>> e: lorra...@burgess-consulting.com.au
>>>> w: http://www.burgess-consulting.com.au
>>>> m: +64-21-988-950
>>>> ddi: +61 2 8077 4296
>>>> Suite 802, 210 Clarence St, Sydney 2000, NSW
>>>> <B43106387B154989A52220A9A0A592A3.jpeg>
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Bacula-users mailing list
>>>> Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users
>>> --
>>> "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for
>>> his friends." Jesus Christ
>>> "Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie za
>>> przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus
>>> Burgess Systems Consulting
>>> e: lorra...@burgess-consulting.com.au
>>> w: http://www.burgess-consulting.com.au
>>> m: +64-21-988-950
>>> ddi: +61 2 8077 4296
>>> Suite 802, 210 Clarence St, Sydney 2000, NSW
>>> <B43106387B154989A52220A9A0A592A3.jpeg>
>> --
>> "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
>> friends." Jesus Christ
>> "Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie za
>> przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus
>> Burgess Systems Consulting
>> e: lorra...@burgess-consulting.com.au
>> w: http://www.burgess-consulting.com.au
>> m: +64-21-988-950
>> ddi: +61 2 8077 4296
>> Suite 802, 210 Clarence St, Sydney 2000, NSW
>> <B43106387B154989A52220A9A0A592A3.jpeg>
> --
> "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
> friends." Jesus Christ
> "Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie za
> przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus
> Burgess Systems Consulting
> e: lorra...@burgess-consulting.com.au
> w: http://www.burgess-consulting.com.au
> m: +64-21-988-950
> ddi: +61 2 8077 4296
> Suite 802, 210 Clarence St, Sydney 2000, NSW

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
friends." Jesus Christ

"Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie za
przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus
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