
My bacula setup has been reliable for years but after filling the disk up I
managed to get it going Ok, but now it is now erroring with,

12-Oct 09:38 kvm01-sd JobId 16948: JobId=16948, Job
backup-kvm02-fd.2023-10-08_19.05.00_06 waiting to reserve a device.
12-Oct 09:38 kvm01-sd JobId 16944: JobId=16944, Job
BackupLocalFiles.2023-10-08_19.05.00_02 waiting to reserve a device.
12-Oct 09:38 kvm01-sd JobId 16945: JobId=16945, Job
Backupemail-001-fd.2023-10-08_19.05.00_03 waiting to reserve a device.
12-Oct 09:38 kvm01-sd JobId 16949: JobId=16949, Job
backup-docker-001-fd.2023-10-08_19.05.00_07 waiting to reserve a device.
12-Oct 09:38 kvm01-sd JobId 16950: JobId=16950, Job
backup-big-xeon-fd.2023-10-08_19.05.00_08 waiting to reserve a device.
12-Oct 09:38 kvm01-sd JobId 16954: JobId=16954, Job
Backupdell6430-003-fd.2023-10-09_19.05.00_13 waiting to reserve a device.

I have had no luck so far googling on the fix for this.

Storage is also sulking,

Device status:

Device File: "FileStorage" (/bacula/backup) is not open.
   Device is BLOCKED waiting to create a volume for:
       Pool:        RemoteFile
       Media type:  File
   Available Space=621.0 GB

Used Volume status:

Attr spooling: 0 active jobs, 0 bytes; 86 total jobs, 189,663,428 max bytes.

Not getting far googling this either so far. I tried making new volumes
made no difference.
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