On Fri, Dec 29, 2023, at 12:10 PM, Martin Simmons wrote:
> 9.6.6 certainly displayed them for me, so I suspect a config issue.
> The messages would be omitted if !notsaved is in the Messages resource (but
> they would still be counted as "Non-fatal FD errors" which makes it add "with
> warnings" to the status).
> Maybe that changed in the client's bacula-fd.conf when you upgraded it?

That's a good idea.

[17:29 r730-01 dvl ~] % sudo ls -l /usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root bacula 1497 Feb 25  2023 /usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf

[17:31 r730-01 dvl ~] % sudo md5 /usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
MD5 (/usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf) = e41a7d835766f563253c0a93418a1c61

No change since February.

Let's look at snapshots taken before Dec 25, the date of the job in question.

[17:32 r730-01 dvl /.zfs/snapshot] % cd autosnap_2023-12-20_00:00:09_daily
[17:32 r730-01 dvl /.zfs/snapshot/autosnap_2023-12-20_00:00:09_daily] % sudo 
md5 usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf 
MD5 (usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf) = e41a7d835766f563253c0a93418a1c61

I'm confident this file has not changed.

Here is it, with some redactions:

[17:33 r730-01 dvl /.zfs/snapshot/autosnap_2023-12-20_00:00:09_daily] % sudo 
cat usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
Director {
  Name = bacula-dir
  Password = "[redacted]"

  TLS Enable      = yes
  TLS Require     = yes
  TLS Verify Peer = yes

  # Allow only the Director to connect
  TLS Allowed CN          = "bacula.example.org"
  TLS CA Certificate File = /usr/local/etc/ssl/MyBigCA.crt

  TLS Certificate = /usr/local/etc/ssl/r730-01.int.unixathome.org.crt
  TLS Key         = /usr/local/etc/ssl/r730-01.int.unixathome.org.nopassword.key

Director {
  Name = nagios-mon
  Password = "[redacted]"
  Monitor = yes

FileDaemon {
  Name                    = r730-01-fd
  FDAddress               =
  FDport                  = 9102
  WorkingDirectory        = /var/db/bacula
  Pid Directory           = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  TLS Enable      = yes
  TLS Require     = yes

  TLS CA Certificate File = /usr/local/etc/ssl/MyBigCA.crt

  TLS Certificate = /usr/local/etc/ssl/r730-01.int.unixathome.org.crt
  TLS Key         = /usr/local/etc/ssl/r730-01.int.unixathome.org.nopassword.key

# Send all messages except skipped files back to Director
Messages {
  Name     = Standard
  director = bacula-dir = all, !skipped, !restored

> __Martin
>>>>>> On Mon, 25 Dec 2023 07:06:58 -0500, Dan Langille said:
>> Hello,
>> This is more for advising others than looking for a fix. 
>> bacula9 client mentions warnings and does not list them.
>> bacula13 client mentions the warnings.
>> It turns out, the missing warnings are rather important to know. The ZFS 
>> datasets in question are jailed, and need a different path to the mount 
>> point. Checking the log file, the warnings do not appear there either.
>> Here are examples of the problem.
>> The following email is from bacula9-client: 9.6.7_3 on FreeBSD 14. The 
>> subject of this message from Bacula mentions warnings. 
>> No warnings are supplied.
>> From: (Bacula) d...@langille.org
>> Subject: Bacula: Backup OK -- with warnings of r730-01-fd Incremental
>> Sender: bac...@bacula.int.unixathome.org
>> To: [redacted]
>> Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2023 03:09:16 +0000 (UTC)
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Start Backup JobId 362083, 
>> Job=r730-01_snapshots.2023-12-25_03.05.00_24
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Connected to Storage 
>> "bacula-sd-04-IncrFile" at bacula-sd-04.int.unixathome.org:9103 with TLS
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: There are no more Jobs associated with 
>> Volume "IncrAuto-04-14761". Marking it purged.
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: All records pruned from Volume 
>> "IncrAuto-04-14761"; marking it "Purged"
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Recycled volume "IncrAuto-04-14761"
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Using Device "vDrive-IncrFile-5" to 
>> write.
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Connected to Client "r730-01-fd" at 
>> r730-01.int.unixathome.org:9102 with TLS
>> 25-Dec 03:09 r730-01-fd JobId 362083: shell command: run ClientBeforeJob 
>> "/usr/local/sbin/snapshots-for-backup.sh create"
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-sd-04 JobId 362083: Recycled volume "IncrAuto-04-14761" 
>> on File device "vDrive-IncrFile-5" (/usr/local/bacula/volumes/IncrFile), all 
>> previous data lost.
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Max Volume jobs=1 exceeded. Marking 
>> Volume "IncrAuto-04-14761" as Used.
>> 25-Dec 03:09 r730-01-fd JobId 362083: shell command: run ClientAfterJob 
>> "/usr/local/sbin/snapshots-for-backup.sh destroy"
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-sd-04 JobId 362083: Elapsed time=00:00:14, Transfer 
>> rate=32.35 K Bytes/second
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-sd-04 JobId 362083: Sending spooled attrs to the 
>> Director. Despooling 10,154 bytes ...
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Bacula bacula-dir 13.0.3 (02May23):
>>   Build OS:               amd64-portbld-freebsd14.0 freebsd 14.0-RELEASE-p1
>>   JobId:                  362083
>>   Job:                    r730-01_snapshots.2023-12-25_03.05.00_24
>>   Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2023-12-25 01:51:02
>>   Client:                 "r730-01-fd" 9.6.7 (10Dec20) 
>> amd64-portbld-freebsd14.0,freebsd,14.0-RELEASE-p1
>>   FileSet:                "r730-01 snapshots" 2023-12-25 01:30:49
>>   Pool:                   "IncrFile-04" (From Job IncPool override)
>>   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>>   Storage:                "bacula-sd-04-IncrFile" (From Pool resource)
>>   Scheduled time:         25-Dec-2023 03:05:00
>>   Start time:             25-Dec-2023 03:09:01
>>   End time:               25-Dec-2023 03:09:16
>>   Elapsed time:           15 secs
>>   Priority:               10
>>   FD Files Written:       34
>>   SD Files Written:       34
>>   FD Bytes Written:       446,284 (446.2 KB)
>>   SD Bytes Written:       453,016 (453.0 KB)
>>   Rate:                   29.8 KB/s
>>   Software Compression:   None
>>   Comm Line Compression:  56.7% 2.3:1
>>   Snapshot/VSS:           no
>>   Encryption:             no
>>   Accurate:               no
>>   Volume name(s):         IncrAuto-04-14761
>>   Volume Session Id:      52
>>   Volume Session Time:    1703358455
>>   Last Volume Bytes:      455,013 (455.0 KB)
>>   Non-fatal FD errors:    3
>>   SD Errors:              0
>>   FD termination status:  OK
>>   SD termination status:  OK
>>   Termination:            Backup OK -- with warnings
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Begin pruning Jobs older than 3 years .
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: No Jobs found to prune.
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: Begin pruning Files.
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: No Files found to prune.
>> 25-Dec 03:09 bacula-dir JobId 362083: End auto prune.
>> I replaced that bacula9-client: 9.6.7_3 with bacula13-client: 13.0.3 and 
>> reran the job.
>> The warnings are now listed.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Start Backup JobId 362099, 
>> Job=r730-01_snapshots.2023-12-25_11.52.58_26
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Connected to Storage 
>> "bacula-sd-04-IncrFile" at bacula-sd-04.int.unixathome.org:9103 with TLS
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: There are no more Jobs associated with 
>> Volume "IncrAuto-04-14785". Marking it purged.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: All records pruned from Volume 
>> "IncrAuto-04-14785"; marking it "Purged"
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Recycled volume "IncrAuto-04-14785"
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Using Device "vDrive-IncrFile-5" to 
>> write.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Connected to Client "r730-01-fd" at 
>> r730-01.int.unixathome.org:9102 with TLS
>> 25-Dec 11:53 r730-01-fd JobId 362099: Connected to Storage at 
>> bacula-sd-04.int.unixathome.org:9103 with TLS
>> 25-Dec 11:53 r730-01-fd JobId 362099: shell command: run ClientBeforeJob 
>> "/usr/local/sbin/snapshots-for-backup.sh create"
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-sd-04 JobId 362099: Recycled volume "IncrAuto-04-14785" 
>> on File device "vDrive-IncrFile-5" (/usr/local/bacula/volumes/IncrFile), all 
>> previous data lost.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Max Volume jobs=1 exceeded. Marking 
>> Volume "IncrAuto-04-14785" as Used.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 r730-01-fd JobId 362099:      Could not stat 
>> "/var/db/ingress/latest_commits/.zfs/snapshot/snapshot-for-backup": ERR=No 
>> such file or directory
>> 25-Dec 11:53 r730-01-fd JobId 362099:      Could not stat 
>> "/var/db/ingress/latest_commits/.zfs/snapshot/snapshot-for-backup": ERR=No 
>> such file or directory
>> 25-Dec 11:53 r730-01-fd JobId 362099:      Could not stat 
>> "/var/db/ingress/latest_commits/.zfs/snapshot/snapshot-for-backup": ERR=No 
>> such file or directory
>> 25-Dec 11:53 r730-01-fd JobId 362099: shell command: run ClientAfterJob 
>> "/usr/local/sbin/snapshots-for-backup.sh destroy"
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-sd-04 JobId 362099: Elapsed time=00:00:11, Transfer 
>> rate=446.2 K Bytes/second
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-sd-04 JobId 362099: Sending spooled attrs to the 
>> Director. Despooling 77,691 bytes ...
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Bacula bacula-dir 13.0.3 (02May23):
>>   Build OS:               amd64-portbld-freebsd14.0 freebsd 14.0-RELEASE-p1
>>   JobId:                  362099
>>   Job:                    r730-01_snapshots.2023-12-25_11.52.58_26
>>   Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2023-12-25 03:09:01
>>   Client:                 "r730-01-fd" 13.0.3 (02May23) 
>> amd64-portbld-freebsd14.0,freebsd,14.0-RELEASE-p1
>>   FileSet:                "r730-01 snapshots" 2023-12-25 01:30:49
>>   Pool:                   "IncrFile-04" (From Job IncPool override)
>>   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>>   Storage:                "bacula-sd-04-IncrFile" (From Pool resource)
>>   Scheduled time:         25-Dec-2023 11:52:57
>>   Start time:             25-Dec-2023 11:53:01
>>   End time:               25-Dec-2023 11:53:15
>>   Elapsed time:           14 secs
>>   Priority:               10
>>   FD Files Written:       194
>>   SD Files Written:       194
>>   FD Bytes Written:       4,854,123 (4.854 MB)
>>   SD Bytes Written:       4,909,040 (4.909 MB)
>>   Rate:                   346.7 KB/s
>>   Software Compression:   None
>>   Comm Line Compression:  73.1% 3.7:1
>>   Snapshot/VSS:           no
>>   Encryption:             no
>>   Accurate:               no
>>   Volume name(s):         IncrAuto-04-14785
>>   Volume Session Id:      55
>>   Volume Session Time:    1703358455
>>   Last Volume Bytes:      4,919,905 (4.919 MB)
>>   Non-fatal FD errors:    3
>>   SD Errors:              0
>>   FD termination status:  OK
>>   SD termination status:  OK
>>   Termination:            Backup OK -- with warnings
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Begin pruning Jobs older than 3 years .
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: No Jobs found to prune.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: Begin pruning Files.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: No Files found to prune.
>> 25-Dec 11:53 bacula-dir JobId 362099: End auto prune.
>> FYI, the Messages directive (with email addresses modified) appears below.
>> Messages {
>>   Name = Standard
>>   mailcommand     = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h cliff.example.org -f 
>> \"\(Bacula\) %r\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
>>   operatorcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h cliff.example.org -f 
>> \"\(Bacula\) %r\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
>>   operator = d...@example.org = mount
>>   mail     = d...@example.org = all
>>   console  = all
>>   append = "/var/log/bacula/bacula.log" = all, !skipped, !restored
>>   catalog = all, !skipped, !saved
>> }
>> -- 
>>   Dan Langille
>>   d...@langille.org
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  Dan Langille

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