Some directories are irrelevant into a backup. For example:

   - /dev/*
   - /proc/*
   - /sys/*
   - /tmp/*
   - *lost+found

They are created during the boot, and are related specific with your
devices and/or your running processes.

While its irrelevant to backup or not - your kernel will recreate those
directories when boot from restored backup - you probably will save a
little time if you do not backup it.

[image: __tpx__]

Martin Simmons <> escreveu em seg., 22/01/2024 às 16:44

> >>>>> On Mon, 22 Jan 2024 10:44:49 +0100, Pierre Bernhardt said:
> >
> > But I'm unsure how to do with /dev. It could be possible bacula will
> > not save the inodes. Instead of them it could be possible bacula will
> > try to save there content which is not a good idea because there
> > content will be endless. Before I made some tests I want to simply ask
> > someone here which knows this. Maybe some special settings are needed
> > to prevent me from getting problems.
> Are you using udev (see the output of "df /dev")?  If so, then I would
> expect
> that to recreate the contents of /dev so no backup is wanted.
> __Martin
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