On 1/24/24 10:13, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

I've reached my first tape change on my autochangers, yeah!


  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: [SI0202] End of Volume "AAJ661L9" at 333:49131 on 
device "LTO9Storage0" (/dev/nst0). Write of 524288 bytes got -1.
  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: Re-read of last block succeeded.
  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: End of medium on Volume "AAJ661L9" 
Bytes=17,846,022,566,912 Blocks=34,038,588 at 24-Jan-2024 17:22.
  24-Jan 17:22 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload Volume 
AAJ661L9, Slot 2, Drive 0" command.
  24-Jan 17:28 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3995 Bad autochanger "unload Volume AAJ661L9, 
Slot 2, Drive 0": ERR=Child died from signal 15: Termination
        Results=Program killed by Bacula (timeout)
  24-Jan 17:28 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load Volume 
AAJ660L9, Slot 1, Drive 0" command.
  24-Jan 17:29 cnpve3-sd JobId 16234: 3305 Autochanger "load Volume AAJ660L9, Slot 
1, Drive 0", status is OK.

So, unload timeout, but subsequent load command works as expected (and
backup are continuing...).

I can safely ignore this? Better tackle with tiemout parameters on
/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer.conf script?


Hello Marco,

It looks like the mtx command (called by the mtx-changer script) is taking more than 6 minutes to return, so the process is being killed.

But, it then looks like it *must* have succeeded since the load command loads a 
new tape into the now empty drive.

You can try a few things to debug this.

First, I would stop the SD, and then manually load/unload tapes into your drive 
with the mtx command:

# mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/<ChangerNodeName> status

If this shows a tape loaded in, for example, drive 0, unload it:

# mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/<ChangerNodeName> unload X 0  (where X is the slot 
reported loaded in the drive)

Then, try loading a different tape:

# mtx -f /dev/tape/by-id/<ChangerNodeName> load Y 0    (where Y is a slot that 
has a tape in it, of course :)

By doing these manual steps, At least you can find out how long your tape library takes for these processes, and then you can adjust mtx-changer.conf as Pierre explained.

Additionally, if you are feeling brave and like playing the part if guinea pig, you can try replacing the default mtx-changer bash/perl script in your Autochanger's "ChangerCommand" with my `mtx-changer-python.py` script. It is a drop-in replacement with better logging and some additional features (with more planned). It is very configurable, and logs everything very clearly - including mtx changer errors, etc (log level is configurable, of course).

It needs a few Python modules installed, and as far as I know very few people have even tried it (maybe no one, lol) - But I have been running it in the Bacula Systems lab with our tape library since this past Summer and it "just works"™

If you are even interested, you can find it in my Github account where I have shared it and a few other scripts here: https://github.com/waa

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

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