Actually, I think I found the root cause - a pipe!

The file listed in the client status is not the problem but close to it is a pipe (maybe next file) and that is what causing the issue in all cases.
I striped down the directory to just one file and it still fails

root@defiant1:/home/debug# find .zoom -ls
 23855106      4 drwx------   4 sys      adm          4096 Feb 13 00:11 .zoom
 23855107      4 drwxrwxr-x   2 ba       ba           4096 Feb 13 00:11 
 23855116      0 prw-r--r--   1 ba       ba              0 Mar 12  2021 
 23855110      4 drwxrwxr-x   2 sys      adm          4096 May  5  2020 

and if I send something to the pipe the job finish ok and restoring the job did include the pipe.


On 2024-02-12 23:36, Peter Sjoberg wrote:

In short - no and no, no special files
Also, while I haven't waited forever I have left it for several hours so it's not like it's just some house cleaning left.
It does happen on different servers, sample below is my laptop.

=============== My fileset:
FileSet {
     Name = "debugfs2"
     Ignore FileSet Changes = yes
     Include {
       Options {
         honor nodump flag=yes
         keepatime = no
         exclude = yes
         wild = *~
         wild = *.tmp
       File = "/home/ba/.zoom"

============= run command
echo run BackupQ_defiant1 FileSet="debugfs2" Level=Full yes|bconsole

============= client status when hung
root@quark:~# echo stat client=defiant1-fd|bconsole #CLIENTSTAT
Connecting to Director quark:9101
1000 OK: 10002 techwiz-dir Version: 13.0.3 (02 May 2023)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
stat client=defiant1-fd
Connecting to Client defiant1-fd at defiant1:9102

defiant1-fd Version: 13.0.3 (02 May 2023) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise ubuntu 22.04
Daemon started 12-Feb-24 23:22. Jobs: run=2 running=1.
 Heap: heap=856,064 smbytes=606,583 max_bytes=794,675 bufs=188 max_bufs=203
 Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 debug=0 trace=0 mode=0,0 bwlimit=0kB/s
 Crypto: fips=N/A crypto=OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022

Running Jobs:
JobId 255 Job BackupQ_defiant1.2024-02-12_23.29.48_18 is running.
    Full Backup Job started: 12-Feb-24 23:29
    Files=2 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0 Errors=0
    Bwlimit=0 ReadBytes=0
    Files: Examined=2 Backed up=2
    Processing file: /home/ba/.zoom/logs
    SDReadSeqNo=8 fd=5 SDtls=1
Director connected using TLS at: 12-Feb-24 23:30

================ Content of that directory

root@defiant1:~# find  /home/ba/.zoom -ls
  15728688      4 drwx------   7 ba       ba           4096 Apr 28  2021 
  16130303      4 drwx------   2 ba       ba           4096 Apr 28  2021 
  16130301      4 drwxrwxr-x   2 ba       ba           4096 Feb 12 18:47 
  16023538      4 drwxrwxr-x   4 ba       ba           4096 Apr 28  2021 
  16023540      0 prw-r--r--   1 ba       ba              0 May  5  2020 
  16023541      0 prw-r--r--   1 ba       ba              0 Mar 12  2021 
  16023539      0 prw-r--r--   1 ba       ba              0 Apr 28  2021 
  16130305      4 drwx------   2 ba       ba           4096 Mar 23  2021 
  16131475   1564 -rw-------   1 ba       ba        1597940 Mar 23  2021 
  16023542      0 prw-r--r--   1 ba       ba              0 Mar 12  2021 
  16023545     52 -rw-------   1 ba       ba          53248 Apr 28  2021 
  16130304      4 drwx------   2 ba       ba           4096 Mar 23  2021 
  16131472     36 -rw-------   1 ba       ba          36397 Mar 23  2021 
  16131473      4 -rw-------   1 ba       ba           1020 Mar 23  2021 
  16131474      4 -rw-------   1 ba       ba           1020 Mar 23  2021 
  16023544      8 -rw-------   1 ba       ba           5120 Mar 23  2021 
  16130302      4 drwxrwxr-x   2 ba       ba           4096 May  5  2020 
  16130300      4 drwx------   2 ba       ba           4096 Apr 28  2021 


On 2024-02-12 20:03, Gary R. Schmidt wrote:
On 13/02/2024 11:08, Phil Stracchino wrote:
On 2/12/24 18:35, Peter Sjoberg wrote:
Hi all

I have a strange problem and (on my system) reproducible problem. When I do backup of some directories then bacula-fd just hangs and never complete. The directories in question are not very strange and backup of them works find with older versions of -fd

Silly question:  Do the problem directories contain named pipes or sockets?

Another possibly silly question: Are there any soft links that may cause a loop?

        Gary    B-)

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