Am 10.04.24 um 14:25 schrieb Rob Gerber:
I don't think it is correct, no.

I am not an expert, but last time I tried something like this I believe the suggestion I was given was to use a runbefore script to run a find command or similar to locate and build a file list, then give that list to bacula as input for the job.

Perhaps for your runbefore use something like the following line.
mountpoint -q /mnt/backup/ && find '/mnt/backup/vmbackup/Backup xxx-y/' -type f -name '*.vbk' > /opt/bacula/working/VM_xxx-y.list || mount /mnt/backup/ && find /mnt/backup/vmbackup/Backup xxx-y/ -type f -name '*.vbk' > /opt/bacula/working/VM_xxx-y.list

If any part of this fails it SHOULD exit nonzero and the job will fail (which is what you want). I recommend testing this before relying on it. I've only written it in an email client. I assume using bash here.

I'm not certain how to include files from a list elsewhere, but I know it can be done. I think you do @/opt/bacula/working/VM_xxx-y.list in your fileset definition. Check the docs to be sure.

I can't believe that this could be that complicated to have to use a script before the dump!

my goal:

include all files "*.vbk"

or exclude "*.vib" in a given directory


I look at

section "FileSet Examples" and will try to copy that

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