It would be useful to see the bacula-dir.conf Job and Client resources for
this job and also the full job log.


>>>>> On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:17:18 +0200, gaston gloesener--- via Bacula-users 
>>>>> said:
> Until now I did run bacula in a virtual machine running the director and 
> storage deamon. The storage daemon was stroing data to files on a shared 
> directory as the storage is on a NAS.
> Now I have build bacula-sd for the NAS to avoid this duplicate transfer. I 
> have configured one client to use the new storage but while it uses it, it 
> claims to still contact the “old” storage daemon on the bacula node.
> Using bacula 13.0.4
> Here is the storage definition in bacula-dir.conf (vTape1 is the original 1, 
> vTape2 the new one): 
> Storage {
>   Name = "vTape1"
>   SdPort = 9103
>   Address = "bacula.home "
>   Password = "…deleted…"
>   Device = "vChanger1"
>   MediaType = "vtape1"
>   Autochanger = "vTape1"
>   MaximumConcurrentJobs = 2
> }
> Storage {
>   Name = "vTape2"
>   SdPort = 9103
>   Address = "nas1.home "
>   Password = "…deleted…"
>   Device = "vChanger2"
>   MediaType = "vtape2"
>   Autochanger = "vTape2"
>   MaximumConcurrentJobs = 2
> }
> The client pool definition looks now like:
> Pool {
>   Name = "james1-Full-Pool"
>   Description = "Pool for client james1 full backups"
>   PoolType = "Backup"
>   LabelFormat = "james1-full-"
>   MaximumVolumeJobs = 1
>   MaximumVolumeBytes = 20000000000
>   VolumeRetention = 8726400
>   Storage = "vTape2"
>   Catalog = "MyCatalog"
> }
> I have tried a manual and the scheduled job with same result:
> *(James1-fd says:
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: bsockcore.c:472-7062 OK connected to server  
> Storage daemon bacula.home:9103. socket= 
> s=0x7fa01c01ac88
> 2
> The full log:
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: bnet_server.c:235-0 Accept 
> socket= s=0x563bfba72728
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: authenticate.c:67-0 authenticate dir: Hello 
> Director bacula-dir calling 10002 tlspsk=100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: TLSPSK Remote need 
> 100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: authenticate.c:90-0 *** No FD compression to 
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: TLSPSK Local need 
> 100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: TLSPSK Start PSK
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: bnet.c:96-0 TLS server negotiation 
> established.
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: cram-md5.c:68-0 send: auth cram-md5 challenge 
> <2032624038.1713999600@james1-fd> ssl=0
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: cram-md5.c:156-0 sending resp to challenge: 
> L6/ZMB/xti+re9kmB4sR+D
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: events.c:48-0 Events: code=FC0002 
> daemon=james1-fd ref=0x7fa01c00b0a8 type=connection source=bacula-dir 
> text=Director connection
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:1714-7062 Instantiate 
> plugin_ctx=563bfbb34378 JobId=7062
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:254-7062 plugin_ctx=563bfbb34378 
> JobId=7062
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:147-7062 name=<NULL> len=0 
> plen=5
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: job.c:2499-7062 level_cmd: level = full  
> mtime_only=0
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:254-7062 plugin_ctx=563bfbb34378 
> JobId=7062
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:147-7062 name=<NULL> len=0 
> plen=5
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:254-7062 plugin_ctx=563bfbb34378 
> JobId=7062
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:147-7062 name=<NULL> len=0 
> plen=5
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: bsockcore.c:472-7062 OK connected to server  
> Storage daemon bacula.home:9103. socket= 
> s=0x7fa01c01ac88
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 james1-fd: TLSPSK Local 
> need 100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 james1-fd: hello.c:183-7062 Recv caps from SD failed. 
> ERR=Success
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 james1-fd: hello.c:185-7062 Recv caps from SD failed. 
> ERR=Success
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 james1-fd: events.c:48-7062 Events: code=FC0001 
> daemon=james1-fd ref=0x7fa01c00b0a8 type=connection source=bacula-dir 
> text=Director disconnection
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 james1-fd: fd_plugins.c:1749-7062 Free instance 
> plugin_ctx=563bfbb34378 JobId=7062
> The job log on the director confirms:
> 2024-04-25 01:00:00 bacula-dir JobId 7062: Connected to Storage "vTape2" at 
> bacula.home:9103 with TLS
> So correct storage but bad server. Note that vTape 2 has always been pointing 
> to nas1 (not bacula) and the director (as well as james1-fd and both storage 
> deamons) was restarted several times
> The storage daemon on nas1 reports only a connection from the director, the 
> ip address of the client ( is never seen:
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: bnet_server.c:235-0 Accept 
> socket= s=0x555d9b1de468
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: dircmd.c:195-0 Got a DIR connection at 
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: TLSPSK Remote need 100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: TLSPSK Local need 100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: TLSPSK Start PSK
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: bnet.c:96-0 TLS server negotiation established.
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: cram-md5.c:68-0 send: auth cram-md5 challenge 
> <126018017.1713999600@nas1-sd> ssl=0
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: cram-md5.c:156-0 sending resp to challenge: 
> 5wgoK//SBRQpcyoqN41geD
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: dircmd.c:227-0 Message channel init completed.
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: events.c:48-7062 Events: code=SJ0001 
> daemon=nas1-sd ref=0x7f292800b0a8 type=job source=bacula-dir text=Job Start 
> jobid=7062 job=Backup-james1.2024-04-25_01.00.00_33
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: job.c:192-7062 sd_calls_client=0 sd_client=0
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:00 nas1-sd: job.c:224-7062 
> Backup-james1.2024-04-25_01.00.00_33 waiting 1800 sec for FD to contact SD 
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: bnet_server.c:235-0 Accept 
> socket= s=0x555d9b1f1be8
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: dircmd.c:195-0 Got a DIR connection at 
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: TLSPSK Remote need 100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: TLSPSK Local need 100
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: TLSPSK Start PSK
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: bnet.c:96-0 TLS server negotiation established.
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: cram-md5.c:68-0 send: auth cram-md5 challenge 
> <1081840534.1713999605@nas1-sd> ssl=0
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: cram-md5.c:156-0 sending resp to challenge: 
> b9+Us+8C75+LF5QbL49xTA
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: dircmd.c:227-0 Message channel init completed.
> 25-Apr-2024 01:00:05 nas1-sd: job.c:242-7062 === Auth=7062 jid=0 canceled=1 
> errstat=0
> I fail to find any config issue and the logs seem to confirm that the right 
> storage is used.

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