I'm using bacula to backup some virtual machines from my esxi hosts. It worked 
on version 9.6.5 (Centos), however I'm having problems on version 15.0.2 
(Ubuntu). Backup job ends with a success, however bacula-fd service gets killed 
in the process...
Does anybody experience similar problems?
Any suggestion how to fix this?

Kind regards,
Ziga Zvan

#### Relevant part of conf ################
Job {
Name = "esxi_donke_SomeHost-backup"
JobDefs = "SomeHost-job"
ClientRunBeforeJob = "sshpass -p 'SomePassword' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 
SomeUser@esxhost.domain.local /ghettoVCB-master/ghettoVCB.sh -g 
/ghettoVCB-master/ghettoVCB.conf -m SomeHost"
ClientRunAfterJob = "sshpass -p 'SomePassword' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no 
SomeUser@esxhost.domain.local rm -rf /vmfs/volumes/ds2_raid6/backup/SomeHost"

FileSet {
Name = "SomeHost-fileset"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
Compression = GZIP1
Plugin = "bpipe:/mnt/bkp_SomeHost.tar:sshpass -p 'SomePassword' ssh -o 
StrictHostKeyChecking=no SomeUser@esxhost.domain.local /bin/tar -c 
/vmfs/volumes/ds2_raid6/backup/SomeHost:/bin/tar -C 
/storage/bacula/imagerestore -xvf -"
Exclude {

#### Bacula-fd state after backup finished ###############

× bacula-fd.service - Bacula File Daemon service
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bacula-fd.service; enabled; vendor 
preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: signal) since Tue 2024-06-11 13:00:08 CEST; 20h ago
    Process: 392733 ExecStart=/opt/bacula/bin/bacula-fd -fP -c 
/opt/bacula/etc/bacula-fd.conf (code=killed, signal=SEGV)
   Main PID: 392733 (code=killed, signal=SEGV)
        CPU: 3h 33min 48.142s

Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula bacula-fd[392733]: Bacula interrupted by signal 11: 
Segmentation violation
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula bacula-fd[393952]: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:508-0 Failed to 
connect to mailhost localhost
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula bacula-fd[392733]: The btraceback call returned 1
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula bacula-fd[392733]: LockDump: 
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula bacula-fd[392733]: bacula-fd: smartall.c:418-1791 
Orphaned buffer: bacula-fd 280 bytes at 55fad3bdf278>
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula bacula-fd[392733]: bacula-fd: smartall.c:418-1791 
Orphaned buffer: bacula-fd 280 bytes at 55fad3bdff08>
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula bacula-fd[392733]: bacula-fd: smartall.c:418-1791 
Orphaned buffer: bacula-fd 536 bytes at 55fad3beb678>
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula systemd[1]: bacula-fd.service: Main process exited, 
code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula systemd[1]: bacula-fd.service: Failed with result 
Jun 11 13:00:08 bacula systemd[1]: bacula-fd.service: Consumed 3h 33min 48.142s 
CPU time.

##### Trace output    ##########
Check the log files for more information.

Please install a debugger (gdb) to receive a traceback.
Attempt to dump locks
threadid=0x7f16f1023640 max=2 current=-1
threadid=0x7f16f1824640 max=2 current=-1
threadid=0x7f16f202d640 max=0 current=-1
threadid=0x7f16f2093780 max=0 current=-1
Attempt to dump current JCRs. njcrs=0
List plugins. Hook count=1
Plugin 0x55fad3b0bf28 name="bpipe-fd.so"

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