We hypothesized that religiosity, a set of traits variably expressed in the 
population, is modulated by neuroanatomical variability. We tested this idea by 
determining whether aspects of religiosity were predicted by variability in 
regional cortical volume. We performed structural magnetic resonance imaging of 
the brain in 40 healthy adult participants who reported different degrees and 
patterns of religiosity on a survey. We identified four Principal Components of 
religiosity by Factor Analysis of the survey items and associated them with 
regional cortical volumes measured by voxel-based morphometry. 

Experiencing an intimate relationship with God and engaging in religious 
behavior was associated with increased volume of R middle temporal cortex, BA 
21. Experiencing fear of God was associated with decreased volume of L 
precuneus and L orbitofrontal cortex BA 11. A cluster of traits related with 
pragmatism and doubting God's existence was associated with increased volume of 
the R precuneus. Variability in religiosity of upbringing was not associated 
with variability in cortical volume of any region. 

Therefore, key aspects of religiosity are associated with cortical volume 
differences. This conclusion complements our prior functional neuroimaging 
findings in elucidating the proximate causes of religion in the brain.
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