Ladies and Gentlemen!

<>Prixxx Arse Elektronika 2009!

The Golden Kleenes go to...
Ani Niow: Steampunk Vibrator
Jonathon Keats: Cinema Botanica: Pornography for Plants
Jason Scott: Historic research about and archiving of ancient online porn and digital erotic art /
Noah Weinstein and Randy Sarafan: Joydick
Uncle Abdul: Lifetime Award for his outstanding work in the field of electrostim
Rachel Lovinger: Costume Award


And -- by the way -- we really like this tweet.
#arse2009 recharged my faith in humanity. plant porn! weird euro-pop! robot slaves from the 25th century! sex of the future! machinima! (<>chariejane)

Posted By johannes to <>monochrom at 10/02/2009 07:08:00 PM

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