Short version:
Gay couple marries in Massachusetts. Couple moves to Texas. Couple
breaks up and files for divorce... in Texas.

Attorney general sues to prevent it. Because allowing them to divorce
would require acknowledging the marriage in the first place which
would leave an opening to subvert DOMA and have to acknowledge other
gay marriages.

Result: Texas is suing to *keep a gay couple married*, in order to
prevent gay marriage.

(Lower) court decision: They have to be allowed to divorce per US
Const. due process. (Haven't read the decision so I don't know details
of this justification.) Of course it'll get appealed etc.

Anyway, regardless of where y'all are on the whole gay marriage thing,
I figured you might appreciate the lolz of the irony here.

- Sai

PS I haven't been able to find the actual decision PDF. Please let me
know if you find it.
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