The Yes Men seem to target Canada this time. And they use four fake entities 
playing with each other to do so. 


----- Weitergeleitete Mail -----
Von: "The Yes Men" <>
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 

Press conference: 1pm CET, Frederiksholms Kanal 4 , Copenhagen 
Contact: Margaret Matembe, , +45-23960186 

More dream announcements coming soon! Come make your own or stay tuned at . Copenhagen Spoof Shames Canada; Climate Debt No Joke 
African, Danish and Canadian youth join the Yes Men to demand climate justice 
and skewer Canadian climate policy 

COPENHAGEN, Denmark - "Canada is 'red-faced'!" ( Globe and Mail ) "Copenhagen 
spoof shames Canada!" ( Guardian ) "Hoax slices through Canadian spin on 
warming!" ( The Toronto Star ) "A childish prank!" ( Stephen Harper, Prime 
Minister of Canada ) 

What at first looked like the flip-flop of the century has been revealed as a 
sophisticated ruse by a coalition of African, North American, and European 
activists. The purpose: to highlight the most powerful nations' obstruction of 
meaningful progress in Copenhagen, to push for just climate debt reparations, 
and to call out Canada in particular for its terrible climate policy. 

The elaborate intercontinental operation was spearheaded by a group of 
concerned Canadian citizens, the " Climate Debt Agents " from ActionAid , and 
The Yes Men . It involved the creation of a best-case scenario in which 
Canadian government representatives unleashed a bold new initiative to curb 
emissions and spearhead a "Climate Debt Mechanism" for the developing world. 

The ruse started at 2:00 PM Monday, when journalists around the world were 
surprised to receive a press release from "Environment Canada" ( , a copy of ) that claimed Canada was reversing its 
position on climate change. 

In the release, Canada's Environment Minister, Jim Prentice, waxed lyrical. 
"Canada is taking the long view on the world economy," said Prentice. "Nobody 
benefits from a world in peril. Contributing to the development of other 
nations and taking full responsibilities for our emissions is simple Canadian 
good sense." 

Thirty minutes later, the same "Environment Canada" sent out another press 
release , congratulating itself on Uganda's excited response to the earlier 
fake announcement. A video featuring an impassioned response by "Margaret 
Matembe," supposedly a COP15 delegate from Uganda, was embedded in a fake COP15 
website . "Canada, until now you have blocked climate negotiations and refused 
to reduce emissions," said "Matembe." "Of course, you do sit on the world's 
second-largest oil reserve. But for us it isn't a mere economic issue - it's 
about drought, famine, and disease." 

(The video was shot in a replica of the Bella Center's briefing room, at 
Frederiksholms Kanal 4, in the center of Copenhagen. Matembe was actually 
Kodili Chandia, a " Climate Debt Agent " from ActionAid , a collective of 
activists that push for rich countries to help those most affected by climate 
change for adaptation and mitigation projects. The "Climate Debt Agents," with 
their signature bright red suits, have been a ubiquitous presence in Copenhagen 
during the climate summit.) 

Then it was time for Canada to react. One hour later, another "Environment 
Canada" (this one at ) released a bombastic response to the original 
release. This one quot ed Jim Prentice, Canada's Minister for the Environment, 
decrying the original announcement : "It is the height of cruelty, hypocrisy, 
and immorality to infuse with false hopes the spirit of people who are already, 
and will additionally, bear the brunt of climate change's terrible human 
effects. Canada deplores this moral misfire." 

Because almost none of the resulting news coverage even mentioned Uganda or 
"Matembe's" response , a fourth release was sent from the second website ( ). 

Meanwhile, in the real world 

The real Canadian government's reactions were almost as strange as the fake 
ones in the release. Dimitri Soudas, a spokesperson for the Canadian Prime 
Minister, emailed reporters and blamed Steven Guilbeault , cofounder of 
Quebec-based Equiterre. "More time should be dedicated to playing a 
constructive role instead of childish pranks," said Soudas in a first email, 
while misspelling Guilbeault's name. 

Guilbeault demanded an apology . "A better way to use his time would probably 
be to advise the Canadian government to change its deeply flawed position on 
climate," said Guilbeault. 

Soudas and Guilbeault were seen exchanging angry words in the hallway outside 
of Canada's 3:30pm press conference, which did not start until 4:30pm, and at 
which the Canadians refused to answer any questions about the flurry of false 

More raised voices were heard when Stephen Chu, the US Secretary of Energy, 
refused to pose for a photo with his Canadian counterpart, Jim Prentice. After 
Steve Kelly, Prentice's chief of staff, begged for 10 minutes, the US guy 
finally asked why a photo was so important. Kelly replied that "we were 
carpetbagged this morning by [environmental non-governmental organizations] 
with a false press release. I gotta change the story." 

Why Blame Canada? 

The only country in the world to have abandoned the Kyoto Protocol's emissions 
and climate debt targets, Canada also has the most energy-intensive, 
destructive and polluting oil reserves in the world. The Alberta tar sands , 
according to The Economist , are in fact the world's biggest single industrial 
source of carbon emissions. 

"By not agreeing to emissions reductions, Canada is holding a loaded gun to our 
heads, and seems ready to pull the trigger on millions of us around the globe, 
" said Margaret Matembe aka Kodili Chandia of the "Climate Debt Agents." "They 
leave us no choice but to see them as criminal." 

At last year's climate summit in Poznan, Poland, over 400 civil society 
organizations voted Canada worst of all nations in blocking progress towards a 
binding climate treaty. Will Canada take the dubious prize again this year in 

"The Canadian government is not listening to its citizens ," says Sarah Ramsey, 
a resident of Alberta who has seen the destruction of the tar sands firsthand. 
Ramsey traveled to Copenhagen to give voice to a generation of young Canadians. 
"We are discouraged and demoralized by our government's position on climate 
change. We decided to lend our government a hand, and show them what good 
leadership looks like." 

In solidarity with the delegates from the G77 Bloc of nations , today's 
intervention was also meant to highlight an issue at the heart of the ongoing 
talks—the issue of climate justice, and the climate debt that the developed 
world owes the developing world. Seventy-five percent of the historical 
emissions that created the climate crisis came from 20% of the world's 
population in developed countries, according to the UN , yet up to 80% of the 
impacts of the climate crisis are experienced in the developing world, 
according to the World Bank . 

"I meant every word I said," says Kodili Chandia, a spokesperson for the 
Climate Debt Agents, who spoke out as a member of the Ugandan delegation. "This 
debate isn't just about facts and figures and abstract concepts of fairness—the 
drought we are seeing right now in East Africa is directly threatening the 
lives of millions of people, including farmers in my own family. We have not 
created this problem but we are living with the consequences. That's why I 
still say: It's time for rich countries to pay their climate debt." 

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There will be a press conference today at the "good" Bella Center used to shoot 
the fake announcement videos: 1pm, Frederiksholms Kanal 4 , Copenhgaen. 

More dream announcements coming soon! Come make your own or stay tuned at .

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