As someone who was a child during the end of the Soviet Era, the following news items cause minor cognitive dissonance:

1) The Russian guided missile warship Varyag is docking in San Francisco this week on a friendly tour coinciding with a visit from the Russian President. At the same time there are three Japanese warships visiting, which doesn't phase me but probably would have irked my granddad. Link to <>SF Gate Article or <>Amusing Commentary from Gun Nuts who seem to really hate San Francisco.

2) This morning on Twitter, @WhiteHouse writes:
Welcome to @twitter President Medvedev! RT @KremlinRussia_E: Hello everyone! I'm on Twitter, and this is my first tweet. This is followed by a somewhat redundant retweet by @BarackObama

3) Medvedev twitters a photo of himself touring the Twitter HQ
I would have added the following hashtag: #recursive

4) MGM Studios is releasing a Remake "Red Dawn", the 1984 Soviet invasion flick featuring a young Patrick Swayze defending American soil from commie takeover. Only this time the invaders are Chinese. Film Critic Bruce Watson writes: "Given middle America's deep well of anger with both Wall Street and Washington, it isn't that hard to imagine a scenario in which some people on 'Main Street' would embrace the avenging hand of a Chinese force." Link to <>DailyFinance Article

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