100 years are enough...
...especially for the software industry, as a recurring user fee is much better 
then one-time-money for a licence. One step towards this goal of renting all 
the software instead of selling it is to revoke the user's right to resell 
software, the so-called first-sale doctrine, which in its current form dates 
back to 1909. If the US court really defines a clear distinction between a 
buyer and a licensee, the former being really an owner and the latter only 
something like a powerless user under permanent control of the manufactor, then 
this clearly marks a next step towards porting the methods of RIAA back to the 
software industry. Reselling software will become a crime. And please don't 
tell me that I only have to change the brand and boycott the vendor - they are 
_all_ on board of this scary dreadnought.



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