----- Original Message ----- 
Forwarded From: Varqa Magazine Secretariat 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 9:21 AM
Subject: Please help us help your children

Subject: Please help us help your children


Dear Baha'i Friend


Once more we write to request that if you intended to subscribe to Varqa, but have not 
yet found the time to do so, please do it now.  Unless all those who are concerned 
about the well-being of our children arise to support Varqa, we will not be able to 
continue beyond our first year.  Every subscription to Varqa International Children's 
Magazine is of great value and ensures the very existence of the magazine, whose only 
aim is to inspire children’s imaginations with uplifting and positive material.  
Consider the tremendous potential a resource like this has to serve the children of 
the world, and you will readily agree that this endeavour must be supported 


Beloved Hand of the Cause Dr. A.M. Varqa, who has always been a source of 
encouragement and inspiration for this initiative, wrote the following about Varqa:


“…praise and gratitude to the threshold of the Lord of Celestial Concourse for 
enabling you to create this innovative scheme (Varqa Magazine) which no doubt shall be 
the source of great development in the spiritual training of the Baha’i children. 
Since my days in Iran, I was aware of the extent of the popularity and usefulness of 
Varqa Magazine among the Baha’i children and their families.  Even the non Baha’i 
children who had come to know this publication through their Baha'i friends, had 
developed such love for it and in turn had caused their parents to become interested 
in the magazine . . . I am confident that with the focus and perseverance inherent in 
you . . . this magazine shall be successful and welcomed by the children of the world, 
Baha'i or otherwise. I hope that this shall eventually be published in hundred of 
thousands of copies as the top and foremost useful educational publication of the 

- >From a letter by the Hand of the Cause of God Dr. A. M. Varqa, dated 26 February 


Again, we urge you to subscribe to Varqa right away.  Subscribing to Varqa online only 
takes a couple of minutes, and your online credit card payment is secure and managed 
through the TD Bank of Canada.  Simply visit our website at www.varqamagazine.com and 
click “Subscribe Now!”


If you have already subscribed, we sincerely thank you and ask you to please share 
this message with your friends and contacts.


Warm Regards,

F. Sahba


secretariat at varqamagazine dot com
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