In a message dated 12/11/2004 1:14:37 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I should probably read more about the life of the Bab and Bahaullah
before saying much about it. (So I'm factually wrong please point me
to where I can get accurate information) 
Balyuzi wrote a four volume biography of Baha`u'llah which is an excellent place to begin.
< But my impression is that he
still had servants and a place to live for a good chunk of his life.
He came from a noble, elite background, private tutors. >
He was the son of the Vizier of the Shah, a man largely in charge of the Shah's "Department of State". He was the descendant of the old dynasty of Persia, and yes his family had large holdings in Mazindaran and in Teheran. His father fell out of favor with the court, and when a replacement was sought it was suggested that Baha`u'llah should fill the post. He declined. The vizier who recommended Him was a bitter enemy of the Bab. He had servants, land rural and urban all these things, yet after the death of His father He chose to be known as the "Father of the Poor".
When He was arrested and cast into the Siyah Chal, All His possessions were confiscated. The only reason He was not among the executed (other than it seems to be the will of God from a Baha`i's point of view that He be preserved) was that one of his sisters was married to an important official in the Russian embassy to the Shah who led a delegation to the Shah's court to demand that Baha`u'llah's guilt be proven or He be released.
When He was banished to Baghdad, His possessions were gone. The only servant who followed Him did so voluntarily. His exile in Baghdad was very pecunious - for all the Babi's there. Eventually He was sent to COnstantinople and was given an allowance as a political exile from Iran, by that time funds were apparently being contributed to the cause by adherents near and far, so when He was exiled to Akka, it was planned to fund His transfer and only four followers. He refused any money at that time and paid His own way and the way of His family and followers to go with Him.
Where did that money come from? From believers who chose to contribute their own wealth to perpetuate the Faith.
I would suggest that Jesus also existed during His ministry by the contributions of others. His was not a formal exile or imprisonment, but a voluntary abandonment of wealth.
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