This servant will send it also in plain text form may be it is easier for

This is from a tentative compilation this servant was working on. 


It is sent with deep reverence perhaps others will look at it with attention
and thought


Humbly kf]



Baha’i teaching is that Bahá'u'lláh is the fulfilment of the Qur'ánic
eschatology. In this perspective, Muhammad is the last prophet prior to the
Last Day, rather than the last prophet in a temporal sense. One collection
of Qur'ánic sources for this belief is provided in Shoghi Effendi's God
Passes By: 


To Him [Bahá'u'lláh] Muhammad, the Apostle of God, had alluded in His Book
as the "Great Announcement," (Qur'án 38:67, 78:2) and declared His Day to be
the Day whereon "God" will "come down" "overshadowed with clouds," (2:210)
the Day whereon "thy Lord shall come and the angels rank on rank," (89:22)
and "The Spirit shall arise and the angels shall be ranged in order."
(78:38) His advent He, in that same Book, in a súrih said to have been
termed by Him "the heart of the Qur'án" had foreshadowed as that of the
"third" Messenger sent down to "strengthen" the two who preceded Him
(36:14). To His Day He, in the pages of that same Book, had paid a glowing
tribute, glorifying it as the "Great Day," (83:5) the "Last Day,"[34] the
"Day of God," (14:5, 30:43, 45:14) the "Day of Judgement," (1:4) the "Day of
Reckoning" (38:16, 26, 53) the "Day of Mutual Deceit," (64:9) the "Day of
Severing," (37:21, 42:21, 44:40, 78:17) the "Day of Sighing," (19:39). the
"Day of Meeting," (40:15) the "Day when the Decree shall be accomplished,"
(10:54) the Day whereon the second "Trumpet blast" (39:68) will be sounded.,
the "Day when mankind shall stand before the Lord of the world," (83:6) and
"all shall come to Him in humble guise," (45:28) the Day when "thou shalt
see the mountains, which thou thinkest so firm, pass away with the passing
of a cloud," (27:88) the Day "wherein account shall be taken," "the
approaching Day, when men's hearts shall rise up, choking them, into their
throats," (40:18) the Day when "all that are in the heavens and all that are
in the earth shall be terror-stricken, save him whom God pleaseth to
deliver," (27:87, 89) the Day whereon "every suckling woman shall forsake
her sucking babe, and every woman that hath a burden in her womb shall cast
her burden," (22:2) the Day "when the earth shall shine with the light of
her Lord, and the Book shall be set, and the Prophets shall be brought up,
and the witnesses; and judgement shall be given between them with equity;
and none shall be wronged." (39:68) (God Passes By 96, references added)



 There are two sections in the Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh
which are amazingly rich in correlatively speaking with the Qur’an.

One is section 17


and the other is section 18


the following is the text of His holiness Baha’u’llah and the Qur’anic
correlations. My correlations are based on the sacred Arabic words and
verses that directly resonate with and remind one of the Arabic text of the

Of course the English is the Guardian Shoghi Effendi’s matchless rendering.

These two passages which are included in the Gleanings can be found
originally revealed in Athar e Qalam e A’laa Volume 1 the Kitab e Mubin
revealed for the most part in the period of the greatest persecution and
hardship in the Most Great Prison 1868-1870


XVII.  By Him Who is the Great Announcement! [ Qur’an: 078.001 
YUSUFALI: Concerning what are they disputing? 
PICKTHAL: Whereof do they question one another? 
SHAKIR: Of what do they ask one another? 

YUSUFALI: Concerning the Great News, 
PICKTHAL: (It is) of the awful tidings, 
SHAKIR: About the great event, 

And Qur’an 38:67]

The All-Merciful is come invested with undoubted sovereignty.  [002.210 
YUSUFALI: Will they wait until God comes to them in canopies of clouds, with
angels (in His train) and the question is (thus) settled? but to God do all
questions go back (for decision). 
PICKTHAL: Wait they for naught else than that God should come unto them in
the shadows of the clouds with the angels? Then the case would be already
judged. All cases go back to God (for judgment). 
SHAKIR: They do not wait aught but that God should come to them in the
shadows of the clouds along with the angels, and the matter has (already)
been decided; and (all) matters are returned to God. ]

The Balance hath been appointed [021.047 
YUSUFALI: We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, so that
not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least, and if there be (no
more than) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it (to account): and
enough are We to take account. 
PICKTHAL: And We set a just balance for the Day of Resurrection so that no
soul is wronged in aught. Though it be of the weight of a grain of mustard
seed, We bring it. And We suffice for reckoners. 
SHAKIR: And We will set up a just balance on the day of resurrection, so no
soul shall be dealt with unjustly in the least; and though there be the
weight of a grain of mustard seed, (yet) will We bring it, and sufficient
are We to take account.]


, and all them that dwell on earth have been gathered together. [034.040 
YUSUFALI: One Day He will gather them all together

PICKTHAL: And on the day when He will gather them all together, 

SHAKIR: And on the day when He will gather them all together,


 The Trumpet hath been blown [039.068 
YUSUFALI: The Trumpet will (just) be sounded, when all that are in the
heavens and on earth will swoon, except such as it will please God (to
exempt). Then will a second one be sounded, when, behold, they will be
standing and looking on! 
PICKTHAL: And the trumpet is blown, and all who are in the heavens and all
who are in the earth swoon away, save him whom God willeth. Then it is blown
a second time, and behold them standing waiting! 
SHAKIR: And the trumpet shall be blown, so all those that are in the heavens
and all those that are in the earth shall swoon, except such as God please;
then it shall be blown again, then lo! they shall stand up awaiting.]


, and lo, all eyes have stared up with terror, and the hearts of all who are
in the heavens and on the earth have trembled [015.015 
YUSUFALI: They would only say: "Our eyes have been intoxicated: Nay, we have
been bewitched by sorcery." 
PICKTHAL: They would say: Our sight is wrong - nay, but we are folk
SHAKIR: They would certainly say: Only our eyes have been covered over,
rather we are an enchanted people.]

, except them whom the breath of the verses of God hath quickened, and who
have detached themselves from all things. 

     This is the Day whereon the earth shall tell out her tidings.[ 099.004 
YUSUFALI: On that Day will she declare her tidings: 
PICKTHAL: That day she will relate her chronicles, 
SHAKIR: On that day she shall tell her news, 

YUSUFALI: For that thy Lord will have given her inspiration. 
PICKTHAL: Because thy Lord inspireth her. 
SHAKIR: Because your Lord had inspired her. 


 The workers of iniquity are her burdens, could ye but perceive it.  The
moon of idle fancy hath been cleft[054.001 
YUSUFALI: The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. 
PICKTHAL: The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain. 
SHAKIR: The hour drew nigh and the moon did rend asunder. ]

 and the heaven hath given out a palpable smoke. [044.010 
YUSUFALI: Then watch thou for the Day that the sky will bring forth a kind
of smoke (or mist) plainly visible, 
PICKTHAL: But watch thou for the day when the sky will produce visible smoke

SHAKIR: Therefore keep waiting for the day when the heaven shall bring an
evident smoke, ] 

 We see the people laid low [069.007 
YUSUFALI:… thou couldst see the (whole) people lying prostrate in its
(path), as they had been roots of hollow palm-trees tumbled down! 
PICKTHAL: …thou mightest have seen men lying overthrown, as they were hollow
trunks of palm-trees. 
SHAKIR: … so that you might have seen the people therein prostrate as if
they were the trunks of hollow palms.



, awed with the dread of thy Lord, the Almighty, the Most Powerful. 


The Crier hath cried out,[ 050.041 
YUSUFALI: And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place
quiet near,- 
PICKTHAL: And listen on the day when the crier crieth from a near place, 
SHAKIR: And listen on the day when the crier shall cry from a near place ]
and men have been torn away [054.020 
YUSUFALI: Plucking out men as if they were roots of palm-trees torn up (from
the ground). 
PICKTHAL: Sweeping men away as though they were uprooted trunks of
SHAKIR: Tearing men away as if they were the trunks of palm-trees torn up.],
so great hath been the fury of His wrath.  


The people of the left hand sigh and bemoan.  The people of the right abide
in noble habitations:  they quaff the Wine that is life indeed, from the
hands of the All-Merciful, and are, verily, the blissful. 

YUSUFALI: The Companions of the Left Hand,- what will be the Companions of
the Left Hand? 
PICKTHAL: And those on the left hand: What of those on the left hand? 
SHAKIR: And those of the left hand, how wretched are those of the left hand!

YUSUFALI: (They will be) in the midst of a Fierce Blast of Fire and in
Boiling Water, 
PICKTHAL: In scorching wind and scalding water 
SHAKIR: In hot wind and boiling water, 


     The earth hath been shaken, and the mountains have passed away,[
YUSUFALI: When the earth shall be shaken to its depths, 
PICKTHAL: When the earth is shaken with a shock 
SHAKIR: When the earth shall be shaken with a (severe) shaking, 

YUSUFALI: And the mountains shall be crumbled to atoms, 
PICKTHAL: And the hills are ground to powder 
SHAKIR: And the mountains shall be made to crumble with (an awful)

] and the angels have appeared, rank on rank, before Us.

YUSUFALI: Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered
you: "I will assist you with a thousand of the angels, ranks on ranks." 
PICKTHAL: When ye sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): I
will help you with a thousand of the angels, rank on rank. 
SHAKIR: When you sought aid from your Lord, so He answered you: I will
assist you with a thousand of the angels following one another. ]


  Most of the people are bewildered in their drunkenness and wear on their
faces the evidences of anger.  Thus have We gathered together the workers of
iniquity.  We see them rushing on towards their idol. [037.069 
YUSUFALI: Truly they found their fathers on the wrong Path; 
PICKTHAL: They indeed found their fathers astray, 
SHAKIR: Surely they found their fathers going astray, 

YUSUFALI: So they (too) were rushed down on their footsteps! 
PICKTHAL: But they make haste (to follow) in their footsteps. 
SHAKIR: So in their footsteps they are being hastened on. 


 Say:  None shall be secure this Day from the decree of God.  This indeed is
a grievous Day.  We point out to them those that led them astray [033.067 
YUSUFALI: And they would say: "Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great
ones, and they misled us as to the (right) Path. 
PICKTHAL: And they say: Our Lord! Lo! we obeyed our princes and great men,
and they misled us from the Way. 
SHAKIR: And they shall say: O our Lord! surely we obeyed our leaders and our
great men, so they led us astray from the path;]

.  They see them, and yet recognize them not. Their eyes are drunken; they
are indeed a blind people. Their proofs are the calumnies they uttered;
condemned are their calumnies by God, the Help in Peril, the
Self-Subsisting.  The Evil One hath stirred up mischief in their hearts, and
they are afflicted with a torment that none can avert.  They hasten to the
wicked, bearing the register of the workers of iniquity.  Such are their
doings. [083.007 
YUSUFALI: Nay! Surely the record of the wicked is (preserved) in Sijjin. 
PICKTHAL: Nay, but the record of the vile is in Sijjin - 
SHAKIR: Nay! most surely the record of the wicked is in the Sijjin. 

YUSUFALI: And what will explain to thee what Sijjin is? 
PICKTHAL: Ah! what will convey unto thee what Sijjin is! - 
SHAKIR: And what will make you know what the Sijjin is? 

YUSUFALI: (There is) a Register (fully) inscribed. 
PICKTHAL: A written record. 
SHAKIR: It is a written book. 


     Say:  The heavens have been folded together [021.104 
YUSUFALI: The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for
books (completed),- even as We produced the first creation, so shall We
produce a new one: a promise We have undertaken: truly shall We fulfil it. 
PICKTHAL: The Day when We shall roll up the heavens as a recorder rolleth up
a written scroll. As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it. (It
is) a promise (binding) upon Us. Lo! We are to perform it. 
SHAKIR: On the day when We will roll up heaven like the rolling up of the
scroll for writings, as We originated the first creation, (so) We shall
reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about.],


 and the earth is held within His grasp [039.067 
YUSUFALI: No just estimate have they made of God, such as is due to Him: On
the Day of Judgment the whole of the earth will be but His handful, and the
heavens will be rolled up in His right hand: Glory to Him! High is He above
the Partners they attribute to Him! 
PICKTHAL: And they esteem not God as He hath the right to be esteemed, when
the whole earth is His handful on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens
are rolled in His right hand. Glorified is He and High Exalted from all that
they ascribe as partner (unto Him). 
SHAKIR: And they have not honoured God with the honour that is due to Him;
and the whole earth shall be in His grip on the day of resurrection and the
heavens rolled up in His right hand; glory be to Him, and may He be exalted
above what they associate (with Him).], 


and the corrupt doers have been held by their forelock [096.015 
YUSUFALI: Let him beware! If he desist not, We will drag him by the
PICKTHAL: Nay, but if he cease not We will seize him by the forelock - 
SHAKIR: Nay! if he desist not, We would certainly smite his forehead, 

YUSUFALI: A lying, sinful forelock! 
PICKTHAL: The lying, sinful forelock - 
SHAKIR: A lying, sinful forehead. 

], and still they understand not [007.179 
YUSUFALI: … They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith
they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle,- nay
more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning). 
PICKTHAL: …, having hearts wherewith they understand not, and having eyes
wherewith they see not, and having ears wherewith they hear not. These are
as the cattle - nay, but they are worse! These are the neglectful. 
SHAKIR: …; they have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have
eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not
hear; they are as cattle, nay, they are in worse errors; these are the
heedless ones.].  


They drink of the tainted water[014.016 
YUSUFALI: In front of such a one is Hell, and he is given, for drink,
boiling fetid water. 
PICKTHAL: Hell is before him, and he is made to drink a festering water, 
SHAKIR: Hell is before him and he shall be given to drink of festering


, and know it not.  Say:  The shout hath been raised , and the people have
come forth from their graves [050.041 
YUSUFALI: And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place
quiet near,- 
PICKTHAL: And listen on the day when the crier crieth from a near place, 
SHAKIR: And listen on the day when the crier shall cry from a near place 

YUSUFALI: The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in (very) truth: that
will be the Day of Resurrection. 
PICKTHAL: The day when they will hear the (Awful) Cry in truth. That is the
day of coming forth (from the graves). 
SHAKIR: The day when they shall hear the cry in truth; that is the day of
coming forth.

], and arising, are gazing around them.  Some have made haste to attain the
court of the God of Mercy,


 others have fallen down on their faces in the fire of Hell [027.090 
YUSUFALI: And if any do evil, their faces will be thrown headlong into the
Fire: "Do ye receive a reward other than that which ye have earned by your
PICKTHAL: And whoso bringeth an ill-deed, such will be flung down on their
faces in the Fire. Are ye rewarded aught save what ye did? 
SHAKIR: And whoever brings evil, these shall be thrown down on their faces
into the fire; shall you be rewarded (for) aught except what you did?], 


while still others are lost in bewilderment.  The verses of God have been
revealed, and yet they have turned away from them.  His proof hath been
manifested, and yet they are unaware of it.  And when they behold the face
of the All-Merciful, their own faces are saddened, while they are disporting
themselves [067.027 
YUSUFALI: At length, when they see it close at hand, grieved will be the
faces of the Unbelievers, and it will be said (to them): "This is (the
promise fulfilled), which ye were calling for!" 
PICKTHAL: But when they see it nigh, the faces of those who disbelieve will
be awry, and it will be said (unto them): This is that for which ye used to
SHAKIR: But when they shall see it nigh, the faces of those who disbelieve
shall be sorry, and it shall be said; This is that which you used to call
for.].  They hasten forward to Hell Fire, and mistake it for light. Far from
God be what they fondly imagine!  Say: Whether ye rejoice or whether ye
burst for fury, the heavens are cleft asunder [084.001 
YUSUFALI: When the sky is rent asunder, 
PICKTHAL: When the heaven is split asunder 
SHAKIR: When the heaven bursts asunder,], and God hath come down, invested
with radiant sovereignty.  All created things are heard exclaiming:  "The
Kingdom is God's, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise." [040.016 
YUSUFALI: The Day whereon they will (all) come forth: not a single thing
concerning them is hidden from God. Whose will be the dominion that Day?"
That of God, the One the Irresistible! 
PICKTHAL: The day when they come forth, nothing of them being hidden from
God. Whose is the Sovereignty this day? It is God's, the One, the Almighty. 
SHAKIR: (Of) the day when they shall come forth, nothing concerning them
remains hidden to God. To whom belongs the kingdom this day? To God, the
One, the Subduer (of all).]



     Know thou, moreover, that We have been cast into an afflictive Prison,
and are encompassed with the hosts of tyranny, as a result of what the hands
of the infidels have wrought.  Such is the gladness, however, which the
Youth hath tasted that no earthly joy can compare unto it.  By God!  The
harm He suffereth at the hands of the oppressor can never grieve His heart,
nor can He be saddened by the ascendancy of such as have repudiated His

     Say:  Tribulation is a horizon unto My Revelation. The day star of
grace shineth above it, and sheddeth a light which neither the clouds of
men's idle fancy nor the vain imaginations of the aggressor can obscure. 

     Follow thou the footsteps of thy Lord, and remember His servants even
as He doth remember thee, undeterred by either the clamour of the heedless
ones or the sword of the enemy....  Spread abroad the sweet savours of thy
Lord, and hesitate not, though it be for less than a moment, in the service
of His Cause.  The day is approaching when the victory of thy Lord, the
Ever-Forgiving, the Most Bountiful, will be proclaimed. 


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