On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 19:58:42 -0800, Rich Ater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In any case, if the Bible has not been substantially changed in any
> then the genocidal commandments in the Bible are actually from
God, and then
> you have to find some sort of way to justify or explain
such behavior
> through progressive revelation.

But if you do apply certain minimal moral
> standards to the children of
Israel then their behavior was unacceptable and
> couldn't have
originated with God, and so those commandments in the Old
> TEstament
must have had some other source.

There are a lot of issues in these
> last paragraphs, all worth discussing, but for brevities sake I'll leave at
> an agreement about corruption in the sense that you mean it. I do, however,
> believe that the coruuption in this case does not prevent the believer from
> gleaning the true word of God. So I guess that what I'm saying is that I
> believe that the entirety of the Torah and Gospel are imbedded in the Bible,
> but that everything in the Bible is not necessarily the true Torah and
> Gospel.

Fair enough. I'm not sure I would definitely say "entirety" but yes, I
basically agree with what you describe. The core message is there and
followable for the Jews and Christians.



"My people are hydroponic"

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