Yes, hello , Elaine,

I am very familiar with your account of your conversion, from your web site. It is the most moving Baha'i conversion account I have ever read. By all means, I recommend that anyone who has not read your account, do so at your web site
It rings of authenticity and is probably the most "miraculous" account of an experience that I have ever been able to believe in, in Baha'i literature. In addition, I have greatly enjoyed other written works on your web site.

Peace and love,

Ron Stephens

On Dec 30, 2004, at 9:04 PM, Elaine Crowell wrote:

Dear Ron,
I was 35 when I embraced the Faith. I was a seeker after transcendence since I was 12 or maybe 15. I tell the story of my conversion on my web-site.
Unlike most of the Baha'is I know, I came to the faith through a series of visionary experiences. My first Baha'i book was "The Seven Valleys and The Four Valleys, my second, Proclamation to the Nations by Shoghi Effendi, and my third was Gleanings. Each of these books made a deep impression on me However it was the second which set up an internal conflict that finally brought me to the point of declaring. I was nearly torn apart by a combination of these books and my visions. Perhaps one of the things which helped me was my awareness of how ignorant I really was and a set of guide lines I created to guide my search for a true religion.
The following is taken from my narrative.
"By true, I meant something, which was understandable and would facilitate spiritual development on a personal and social level. I came up with the following:
A true religion would be universal. It would offer something for everyone irrespective of his or her age, education, and cultural or social background.

It would not be for the elite, neither would it succumb to populist views or special interest groups.

A True religion would focus on spiritual education rather than on sin and the need for redemption.

It would not set itself up as the arbiter between the value and worth of certain souls and the wickedness of others. A true religion would be as concerned with the welfare of the whole human race as it was with individuals. It would be part of the world, not some isolated, insulated, naval gazing cult. Finally, and possibly most important,

A True religion would not necessarily agree with my preferences and expectations. It would not conform to my limited and biased point of view.
I added this last stipulation because I knew I had outgrown nearly every belief I had previously held. Therefore, if I found something that was in complete accord with my beliefs and feelings, I would eventually cease to grow."

You asked about doubts. Yes I have them but my chief doubts are about myself, my understanding and the Baha'i Community. Not being an intellectual or an academic, I prefer to focus on action rather than theory. For example the Tragedy in South-East Asia has claimed at least 100,000 souls and the people there desperately need help. I am praying along with another group of women on line. I wonder why no one has mentioned this tragedy on this list and if there are Baha'i Communities there?

I would like it if the Faith was perfectly logical & rational and if my fellow Baha'is were more supportive and could instantly translate the Writings into action. However, it is very difficult for me to be critical of others when I know how far short of the standard I fall.

Warm Wishes,

The Doors are open at
Elainna's New Place
The Wild Side

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