On Sat, 1 Jan 2005 16:21:05 -0000, Khazeh Fananapazir

> Dear Gilberto
> I always read your emails with great interest and affection

Thank you.

> I read again what you write with great interest.
> The necessity for Progressive Revelation and the absolute 
> need for the Bab  and Baha'u'llah to have come is that the 
> Sacred Pledge of Islam re the  Latter Day [Yawm il aakhir] 
> must needs be fulfilled.
> ****

[Yusuf Ali]
> 034.029
They say: "When will THIS PROMISE (come to pass) if ye are telling the truth?"
> 034.030
>  Say: "The APPOINTMENT TO YOU IS FOR A DAY, which ye cannot put
> back for an hour nor put forward."

Dear Khazeh, when I read passages like the above, they generally make
me think of my individual death. If they refered mainly to
world-historical eschatological events then it is only meaningful to a
portion of people. Plenty of people will miss the coming of the Mahdi.
Plenty of people will miss the second coming of Jesus. Plenty of
people will miss the Beast, and the sun rising in the west, and the
Dajjal. But everyone who was born will die. And that's certainly an
appointment that everyone will make, and no one will speed up or slow

> 022.047
>  Yet they ask thee to hasten on the Punishment! But God will not fail in His 
> Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of 
> your reckoning.

> A thousand lunar years after the year 260 after Hejra was 1260 AH [which is
> 1844 AD the year of the inception of the Bahai Faith]

I'm not a Shia and even if I was I think it is highly unusual to say
that the dispensation of Muhammad actually started a couple of
centuries after Muhammad passed. If the Babi dispensation started when
the Bab made his declaration, it makes alot more sense to say that the
dispensation of Muhammad at least started during his lifetime (when he
was born, when the Quran first started coming down, at the start of
the Hejra, or maybe when the verse about "I have perfected for you
your religion" came down). It seems bizzare to say the dispensation of
Muhammad didn't start until the disappearance of the last imam.



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