"The effort made by men to reconcile the Word of God with the views of their leades is a wasted effort. Rather man must cast all aside save the Word of God."  I'm a little puzzled by what you are saying. Because it seems to me that the Bahai faith has a more narrowly defined set of leaders which interpret the Bahai writings.

J: Not sure what he means, but the "Word of God" here applies to only to 3 people (Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha, and Shoghi Effendi) and no other.  No one else can interpret the Baha'i Writings for anyone except for himself.  (I'm ignoring the Universal House of Justice here because explaining it would divert from the focus of this question).

G:  Given the Bahai emphasis on allegory and opposition to literalism in
the Quran, and given that the Bahais also don't follow certain fairly
clear provisions in the Quran, why wouldn't the Bahais fall under the
category of people who "follow the part of it which! is allegorical ...
seeking to give it their own interpretation"?

J:  Baha'is do not follow the Qur'an at all.  We follow the writings of Baha'u'llah.

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