Hi, Gilberto,

At 11:47 AM 1/9/2005, you wrote:
>>But if there is this real distinction between the Manifestation and the 
>>Essence of God, what reason would there be to blur that distinction with 
>>language which could lead to confusion?<< 

What language?

>>Is it in order to make it easier for people who come from Incarnational types 
>>of backgrounds (Christians and Hindus I guess) feel more comfortable as if 
>>they don't have to give up as much?<<

Not from my perspective, but I am not much of an apologist.

>>It actually sounds alot like Crowley now. Didn't he have a similar 
>>conception. I forget the exact term now but one adopted the terminology of 
>>spirits and angels  but it was really just an expression of your True Will?<<

Yes, he even used the term "maiden," coincidentally enough, but not in the same 
sense as Baha'u'llah. To Crowley, all these beings were simply names for 
expressions of one's true Will, which is why he regarded himself as a 
nominalist. (For some reason, a lot of writers don't seem to get that point.)

With regards, Mark A. Foster • 15 Sites: http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" -- Abbie Hoffman 

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