On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 17:02:49 +0800, Roger Borseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Gilberto

> I have been enjoying your discussions with the Baha'i friends, but I am
> curious what does your signature mean "My people are hydroponic"?
I sometimes do poetry slams and perform at open mikes. One piece I'm
working on (which isn't finished yet) has that as the first line. It
was just an idea I've been mulling over. Some people construct their
identity in a way which is really rooted in a particular place over a
period of many many generations (like Native Americans, Palestinians,
Australian aborigines, white people in Europe). Very much rooted in

Even many immigrants have a single place which is the "home country"
which they go back to or might look back to as a reference. And again
their identities are really associated with a particular place.

Me personally, I don't think of myself that way (or at least, when I
do it gets more complicated than that) so I thought the concept of
hydroponic people (hydroponic plants grow without soil) really seemed
to fit and it was an idea I wanted to play around with.

Another example of hydroponic people would be Gypsies. Or perhaps
non-Zionist Jews.




"My people are hydroponic"

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