" I think some people are more interested in a small group than others. It
may be that in your area a devotional in a house does not work, but one
cannot know that for certain until at least 4 or 5 people have tried it on a
regular basis. "

Dear Janine,

We don't have much choice where I live because we don't have a Baha'i
Centre. But well-planned, larger devotional meetings seem to work better
than dividing our resources between a bunch of smaller ones. And seekers
that contact us through the media campaign usually prefer to go to a meeting
hall than the home of someone they don't know. That isn't even safe in
today's world.

"The only public devotionals with big success are the tranquility zones in
Swindon, UK. And that is because that spiritual dimension through music and
the decoration of the room is added."

That is exactly the kind of thing that needs to happen IMV and that usually
can't be replicated in smaller meetings.

warmest, Susan

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