Part One 
1. To attain the knowledge of God one must put one's trust in Him and
disregard the standards of men (3-14). 
2. The reasons for failure to recognise and accept the Manifestations of God
3. In this age the story of past Dispensations is being repeated (13-83). 
4. The people of the Bayán should take warning not to forget the wishes and
admonitions of their own Book lest they inflict on the Manifestation of God
what was inflicted before (92-93). 

Part Two 
1. The Manifestations reveal an all-compelling power (97-139). 
2. The greatest of blessings is to attain the presence of the Manifestation
of God in the Day of the Resurrection (139-147). 
3. In each Dispensation there occurs a return of the qualities exhibited in
earlier Dispensations (148-161). 
4. All the Divine Manifestations are at the same time the First and the
Last, the Beginning and the End (161-175). 
5. The Manifestations of God each have a twofold station: the Station of
Unity and the Station of Distinction (152-154, 176-181). 
6. The Seeker must turn to the Prophets (182-191). 
7. The Seeker and his requirements (192-195). 
8. The Seeker will be transformed (196-199). 
9. By the "City of Certitude" is meant the Word of God which is the greatest
testimony and proof of the Manifestation (199-211). 
10. The peoples of every age at the end of their Dispensation, afflicted
with the same spiritual disease, believe their Manifestation to be the Final
One (135-137, 213-221). 
11. Proofs of the Revelation of God in this age (221-257).

If we take our lead from the beloved Shoghi Effendi
Shoghi Effendi in God Passes By (139) sets forth the major themes of the
Kitáb-i-Íqán. The following is a list with suggested page references to the
text opposite: [Page references are to the Kitab-i-Iqan Bahai Publishing
Trust Wilmette Illinois 1950]
Thus the Kitáb-i-Íqán.

Unknowable (52, 90, 98-99, 142) 
Inaccessible (53, 98-99, 141) 
the source of all Revelation (99, 100) 
Eternal (9, 16, 17, 135) 
Omniscient (98, 170) 
Omnipresent (55, 67, 97, 125, 126) 
Almighty (170, 176, 206, 219, 243)
b) the continuity of Divine Revelation (14, 23)
3. Affirms: 
a) the unity of the Prophets (20-22, 99, 103-104, 107, 152-154, 161-164,
b) the universality of their Message (210, 240) 
c) the identity of their fundamental teachings (21, 38-39, 177) 
d) the sanctity of their scriptures (197-200, 205-206) 
e) the twofold character of their stations (21, 150, 152-154, 176-181)
4. Denounces the blindness and perversity (15-16, 36, 81-83, 108) 
of the divines and doctors of every age (122, 164-166, 182-184, 210, 214,
5. Cites and elucidates: 
a) the allegorical passages of the New Testament (24-80) 
b) the abstruse verses of the Qur'án (255) 
c) and the cryptic Muhammadan traditions which have bred those age-long
misunderstandings, doubts, and animosities that have sundered and kept apart
the followers of the world's leading religious systems (162, 184-188, 201,
6. Enumerates the essential pre-requisites for the attainment (3, 70, 120,
by every true seeker of the object of his quest (211)
7. Demonstrates the validity, the sublimity and significance of the Báb's
Revelation (229-234) 
8. Acclaims the heroism and detachment of His disciples (222, 235-236) 

9. Foreshadows and prophecies the world-wide triumph of the Revelation
promised to the people of the Bayán (77-78, 93) 

10. Upholds the purity and innocence of the Virgin Mary (56-57) 

11. Glorifies the Imáms of the Faith of Muhammad (35, 39, 106, 144, 153) 

12. Celebrates the martyrdom and lauds the spiritual sovereignty of the Imám
Husayn 126-129 

13. Unfolds the meaning of such symbolic terms as: 

a) "Return" 151-161 
b) "Resurrection" 116, 118, 144, 170 
c) "Seal of the Prophets" 162, 169, 179, 213 
d) "Day of Judgement" 116
14. Adumbrates and distinguishes between 100-102, 139-142 
the three stages of Divine Revelation 169, 201
15. Expatiates in glorious terms upon the glories and wonders of the "City
of God", renewed at fixed intervals, by the dispensation of Providence, for
the guidance, the benefit and salvation of all mankind 196-200

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