"jizya actually is ordained in the Quran, so if you really think it
is necessarily a form of harrassment and tyranny then you should take
it up with the author"

Yes, this work of the Author is well beyond the expiry date.

Planned obsolescence (also built-in obsolescence (UK)) is the conscious decision on the part of God to produce a Religion that will become obsolete in a defined time frame. Planned obsolescence has great benefits for God in that it means that man will believe in His Manifestation repeatedly, as His old one is no longer functional or desirable due to human mis-interpretation, dogma, corruption, and general day-to-day involvement.  There is, however, the potential human backlash that become aware of such obsolesence; such humans can shed their loyalty to God and pledge allegiance to another God that caters to their want of a more durable religion or Manifestation.

Planned obsolescence was developed in the 1000s B.C. when the human mind had opened every minute aspect of the Manifestations teachings to exacting analysis and interpretation albeit imperfect human analysis and interpretation.

Human estimates of planned obsolescence can influence God's decisions about religious Revelation; there is little divine reason to make a religion that lasts longer than anyone is expected to use it. Therefore God can use the most humble Represetative that satisfy religious lifetime projections. Such decisions are part of a broader discipline known as value of the Revelation of the Manifestation.

Expiry dates

All aspects of religion have expiry dates long before they become fully corrupted or unusable. Prayer laws, fasting laws, and laws related to moral conduct & ethical behavior have dates that if exceeded will not be hazardous.  Other aspects of religion also err greatly on the side of caution meaning that vast amounts of perfectly good aspects of the religion are thrown out each time a new Manifestation comes.

(Based on Wikipedia's description)

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