At 16:24 +0000 5/26/05, Jim Habegger wrote:
At 0:01 +0000 5/26/05, Jim Habegger wrote:

I'm saying that if that's what she thinks, even
though you and I agree she's wrong, it would not
be contrary to Baha'u'llah's purposes and
prescriptions for her to try to find people
whose ideas the members of the Universal House
of Justice might take more seriously, and
present her case to them.

Don, you said: "And you don't think that would be contrary to the statement I pointed out?"

"Any actions, however, which savour of factionalism, of mobilizing pressure, or of stirring up contention among the Baha'is would be an inadmissible intrusion of the spirit of partisan politics into Baha'i- community life."

Not the way I'm imagining it. There might be something in the way I'm imagining it, that didn't get through. The way I'm imagining it, the person is not trying to create a faction, or mobilize pressure, or stir up contention among the Baha'is.

Perhaps in theory; in practice it appears to be dancing on the edge of a very slippery slope.

The only one who is capable of maintaining their balance in such a situation is one who possesses true humility.

I don't know about you, but the only time I figure I ever even come close is during the last second before I fall asleep. And you can imagine how much influence I have at that point.

Speaking of which, it's time I entered that state. It's been a long day and I'm sore and tired.

Don C

He who believes himself spiritual proves he is not.

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