Gilberto Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8/24/05, Scott Saylors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gilberto Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So when Bahai children are told the story of the Bab and Bahaullah, Muslims are the villans of the piece. The Bahai faith claims to replace Islam, just as Christianity claims to replace Judaism. Muslims are seen as perversely and stubbornly clinging to the "old way" just as Jews are seen as perversely and stubbornly clinging to the "old way". etc.
The stories of the martyrdom of the Bab and the persecutions and exile of Baha`u'llah do not have "Muslims" as the villains of the tale. Neither does the Gospel of John have the "Jews" as the villain of the piece. Rather it is particular Muslims and Jews who are the relative villains - those in temporal and spiritual authority - who are the "villains".
I think this is where some of the ambiguity comes in. I think that when Bahais and Christians are careful and concerned about prejudice, they will be careful (just as you are). I think that is a good thing. You are looking at this in the right way.
But not all Christians (nor Bahais) are as careful as you are.
Dear Gilberto,
I think that much of the persecution of Jews by Christians was inspired by the clergy. The local priests and abbots who decided that an ax needed grinding. Jews lived in Europe relatively trouble-free, acting as middle-men in the trade between Islam and Europe up until the beginning of the first crusade. As the "Christian" knights gathered and moved to Rome to embark on the crusade, they were commonly guided by monks and priests, and it was these groups of knights that performed the first recorded pogroms against Jewish communities as they travelled from the heart of the German and French states to the Mediterranean ports. The Jewish communities were prospering and offered good opportunity to these groups to make "war pay for war" and not disturb their Christian brethren.
This is yet another recorded instance of the clergy being the cause of prejudice.
Baha`i's have no clergy, therefore, your fear is largely groundless.

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Arnold J. Toynbee
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