Mark A. Foster wrote:
I define myself differently in different contexts. Why are you being so judgmental? I don't recall you ever having expressed yourself in this way.
I guess I don't. When I'm treating patients, I'm a Baha'i.
Ian Semple, in a talk on obedience, discussed the collaborater who says he had no choice but to betray others, or he would have been killed. Semple says he could have chosen to die.<<

I don't see how that relates to me.
Only in that you said you had no choice. I was this example to illustrate that you did have a choice and you made it.
I don't believe that that's true, Mark, and your original answer was ambiguous. I think it good to keep in mind that when non-Baha'is raise issues on this list they are expecting Baha'i answers not sociological answers.<< 

This is a Baha'i studies list, not a Baha'i list. In any event, I think that my responses have reflected my views both as a sociologist and as a Baha'i.
Fair enough, Then, I respectfully disagree with you.
The Baha'i Faith is the eternal faith of God, not a sociological organization in the sense that it is being defended and discussed in this issues.

In grad school I wrote a paper on healthcare views in the Baha'i Faith from a nursing and anthropological perspective and I kept that perspective, but I didn't kid myself that it had anything to do with the Faith from it's own perspective.<<

Is there any single Baha'i perspective on most issues? I don't think so.

There are the teachings and the administrative rules on who isn't and who is a Baha'i. Once again, I go back to my stance that Non-Baha'is are asking for a Baha;i answer. As a student of Comparative Religion, if you were to ask if if there were sects in the Faith, I'd have to say yes. I would also answer that a Baha'i I don't accept them as sects. Otherwise it's all too easy for someone to go away thinking the Baha'is accept Covenant breakers as Baha'is. I would also add that as an academic foloks will often look you as an expert and accept your answer as the correct answer, not as a "perspective".
Once again, I'm not trying to fight with you, beleive what you want.



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