In the Abrahamic faiths preceeding the Baha'i faith, the Afterlife (overlap with Day of Judgement), as a topic has been dealt with a great deal in the scriptures. Images of eutopia versus eternal chastisement depending on our 'wordly' deeds have been portrayed numerous times. To my understanding, according to the Baha'i faith, the next life isn't discussed much. The concepts of heaven and hell are metaphors for nearness and remoteness from God's grace and mercy, and not much else, apart from the fact that the soul still progresses towards it's Lord in the 'land of Abha'. 

[Steve Cooney] 
I respectfully disagree, this is a major topic in the Baha'i teachings, and there are probably more compilations and texts on this topic than any other. The Baha'i texts make constant reference to the spirit world, the Supreme Concourse, this world as preparation for the next, the denizens of the next world guiding this one and so on.
One of the best collections of texts, but by no means the only one, is Hugh Motlagh's The Glorious Journey to God. And this only assembles the extent English materials.
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