On 10/11/05, Firouz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilberto:
> >>I'm not sure what your point is. Bahais who hate Muslims also think
> they are good Bahais too. We all have to engage in a process of
> self-criticism. But that's an individual process.<<

> I don't think Baha'is hate Muslims or anyone else as hatred is against the
> Teachings of Baha'u'llah.

I'm not saying that all or most Bahais are like that. But *some*
Bahais obviously have a certain amount of animosity or dislike or some
other negative feelings towards the teachings of Islam, or Muslims as
a group.

The larger point is that Bahais are different from one another just as
Muslims are different from one another. And so if you have a "bad
Bahai" and a "good Muslim" it is best to let God judge between them.
Just because someone is a "Bahai" that shouldn't necessarily overrule
other considerations. All of us are just trying to do the right thing
to the best of our ability and understanding. And personally, I'm not
sure that the "names" are the important thing.



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