Hello Benjamin,
>If this is the next phase of human evolution, and God has sent his Teacher once again, what has the Teacher come to say to us that He may not have said in the past?  In other words, what is unique to the Baha'i Revelation, beyond the changing of the Qiblih  and prayer/fasting requirements?<
An explicit, written Covenant, which preserves the unity of the body of believers,
A clear, written explanation, in detail, of how the Baha'i community should
be organized and governed.  These are both new.
Tim Nolan 
Dear Tim [and Ben] and indeed all my dear friends.
This change of the Qiblih [Qiblah] point of turning in adoration is in itself the clue to many substantive issues.
Consider this i beg you. For centuries, for millennia the Jews, Christians, Samaritans, H.anafís [such as Waraqah ibn Nawfal the cousin of Khadijah the beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad] all turned to Jerusalem to Zion during their prayers invocations pleadings. Jerusalem was their Qiblah [Qiblih].
Through turning to that Spot on earth men felt they were calling God the Creator of Earth and Heaven the Uncontainable, the Unconstrained the S.amad.
Jesus referred to My Father's House [when He was in Jerusalem discussing with the Rabbis]
Now the Prophet of God comes into the World [Muh.ammad, may my life be a sacrifice in His path]. What does He do? Where does He turn in Prayer. Throughout two-thirds of His Ministry [Risálat] He too turns to Jerusalem. So does the Imam 'Ali, so do 'Abbas, Umar, Abu-Bakr, Uthman, so do those who migrated to Ethiopia and then came back [after the relative easing of persecution.
There is indeed a Mosque called [The Mosque of the Two Qiblahs [Qiblihs] Masjid il- Qiblatayn] see
for its image
But in the midst of the s.alaat the obligatory Prayer the Prophet turns to Mecca and the Ka'bah [which had still not been purified of its idols]
When we wonder why and wherefore?
God. exalted be His Will, says it is thus so that WE know who will follow the Messenger...who will obey...
i think as [Baha'u'llah] reveals it: Therein is the clue to many many things.
for example today the Qiblah-changing equivalent for example dear Tim and Ben could be the traditional understanding of the "Seal" or the Signs of the Great Day and Its fulfilment or or...
Tests come in many forms [i face them you may face them etc]
Look at this Divine Verse
***and We appointed the Qibla to which thou wast used, only to test those who followed the Apostle from those who would turn on their heels. Indeed it was A change momentous, except to those guided by God [Yusuf 'Ali]
notice God's Intention =ONLY TO TEST
not that We did not respond to the Prayers Invocations Supplications of Past Peoples and Centuries turning to Jerusalem but Now THIS WAS ONLY TO TEST!
 We appointed the kebla which thou formerly hadst, only that we might know him who followeth the apostle, from him who turneth on his heels: The change is a difficulty, but not to those whom God hath guided. [Rodwell]
wama jaAAalna alqiblata allatee kunta AAalayha illa linaAAlama man yattabiAAu alrrasoola mimman yanqalibu AAala AAaqibayhi wa-in kanat lakabeeratan [transliterated Text]
Could not God [Exalted Be He] have devised an easier way to know? a human may ask...
Baha'u'llah says PORTALS OF UNDERSTANDING  open up should we humbly reflect on this
  Even as He hath revealed:  "The East and West are God's: therefore whichever way ye turn, there is the face of God."  Notwithstanding the truth of these facts, why should the Qiblih have been changed, thus casting such dismay amongst the people, causing the companions of the Prophet to waver, and throwing so great a confusion into their midst? Yea, such things as throw consternation into the hearts of all men come to pass only that each soul may be tested by the touchstone of God, that the true may be known and distinguished from the false.  Thus hath He revealed after the breach amongst the people:  "We did not appoint that which Thou wouldst have to be the Qiblih, but that We might know him who followeth the Apostle from him who turneth on his heels."
     Were you to ponder, but for a while, these utterances in your heart, you would surely find the portals of understanding unlocked before your face, and would behold all knowledge and the mysteries thereof unveiled before your eyes
 (Baha'u'llah:  The Kitab-i-Iqan, Pages: 51-52)
f or the picture of the Mosque see
Qiblatayn Mosque
This Mosque is situated in Madinah. In the beginning the Muslims offered their prayers facing in the direction of "Baitul-Maqdis" (Jerusalem). Once during the second year of Hijrah the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was leading the prayers on this mosque, at Banu Salma, when Allah's command came to turn from then on towards The KAABA. So the Mosque came to be called as Masjid-e-Qiblatayn, or the Mosque of two Qiblahs.

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