On 10/13/05, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "It seemredlike recently, when I was putting up quotes from the central
> figures on the authenticity of the Quran and the problems with the
> Bible, you are making a bigger deal about the fact that certain things
> weren't necessarily written by the Central figures by their own hand
> but were written "on behalf of" them."
> No, I didn't say that about the Central Figures nor do I remember your
> putting up quotes from them. I said that about the Guardian. He is not one
> of the Central Figures.

Oh, ok, so there was a terminology issue on my part. I was assuming
Central figures meant Bab, Bahaullah, Abdul Baha and Shoghi Effendi.

>  "Does this mean those texts
> aren't authoritative?"
>  They are authoritive but they are not his own words, therefore we can
> accept the intent of such messages but probably shouldn't make too much of
> diction.

Ok, I personally don't think I was hung up on the specific wording but
the intent confirms the things I'm saying.



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