On 10/23/05, Hajir Moghaddam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gilberto:
> Do you think it
> is possible to understand a religious text without believing in it?

> Haj:
> Not sure if you have to believe in it, but you sure do have to see it
> through its own paradigm.  Let me know how I can help.

Would it also be fair to say that to really understand the Quran you
need to see it through the Muslim paradigm? If not, what would be
wrong with viewing the Bahai writings through the Muslim paradigm?

> Gilberto:
> Are there specific misstatements, lies, errors, omissions, you can
> point to which I have made in talking about Progressive Revelation?

> Haj:
> Your arguments against the Baha'i notion of P.R. don't make sense at all.
> You argue against something that's alien to me, as if you are arguing
> against someone else's belief, not mine.  That's probably why we disagree.

Part of me mentioning the amount of time I've been in these forums is
to point out that I have been hearing ALOT of what Bahais have been
saying in terms of their own belief. So you just telling me that I
don't understand isn't all that useful because from my perspective,
I'm summarizing the things I've actually been hearing from Bahais.

Maybe it would be easier if you just explained your own understanding
of progressive revelation. (Assuming you want to keep discussing these
issues. But if not that's ok too.)



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